Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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The Sun and the Drum choose

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[WI] L. Barrett Sun and the Drum 20: The name is used for all young people with a leg defect and, in my community, to be called a bafan is a serious embarrassment.
at bafan, n.
[WI] L. Barrett Sun and the Drum 37: When puss belly full, rat battie (anus) ’tink (stinks).
at batty, n.2
[WI] L. Barrett Sun and the Drum 20: A person who is mentally dull is called bobo from the Twi word booboo, meaning a foolish person.
at bobo, n.1
[WI] L. Barrett Sun and the Drum 20: A very obese person is amusingly referred to as buffu-buffu which is a corruption of the Twi word bofoo meaning clumsy, swollen, fat, and fleshy.
at bufu-bufu, n.
[WI] L. Barrett Sun and the Drum 20: Another name for a slightly wild character is bungo. It has the connotation of a ‘hooligan’.
at bungo, n.
[WI] L. Barrett Sun and the Drum 20: A person who is disorderly in appearance and living conditions is referred to as chaka-chaka.
at chaka-chaka, adj.
[WI] L. Barrett Sun and the Drum 20: A person who is meticulous or fastidious in appearance and habits is fenky-fenky.
at fenky-fenky, adj.
[WI] L. Barrett Sun and the Drum 39: In Jamaican kas-kas one may hear a series of proverbs being exchanged either to put down the opponent or to show the social distance between them.
at kass kass, n.
[WI] L. Barrett Sun and the Drum 20: A contentious person is known as a kas-kas from the Twi word kasakasa.
at kass kass, n.
[WI] L. Barrett Sun and the Drum 16: To this day, when one person in my community refers to another as ‘Nago’, it means that the second person has done something foolish.
at nago, n.
[WI] L. Barrett Sun and the Drum 16: The Nagos also had a name of ridicule for the Ashantis; ‘Quashie’. In my community it refers to someone who is a coward, and calling someone by that name is an invitation to fight.
at quashie, n.
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