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The Lovomaniacs choose

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[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 348: I know he really busted ass and I appreciate it.
at bust ass under ass, n.
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 43: She was afraid I might try to ball her.
at ball, v.3
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 42: That bim he set me up with, the one from Vegas.
at bimbo, n.
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 333: Not that there was a thing in the ever-lovin’, blue-eyed world that I could do about it!
at blue-eyed, adj.2
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 14: Think [...] before you start kicking and rolling in the aisles and chewing the rug.
at chew the rug (v.) under chew, v.
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 323: Even if the ungrateful bastards did chill me after they got into office.
at chill (for) (v.) under chill, v.2
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 128: I was honked at her because I was afraid her being there was going to chill a thing I had going with a babe.
at chill, v.2
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 106: I could turn into some kind of a spend-crazy clotheshorse.
at clotheshorse, n.
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 44: What a lot of juvenile crapperoo!
at -eroo, sfx
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 11: So she’s the star of six million smackeroonies worth of picture?
at -eroonie, sfx
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 326: ‘Not until you kiss me, you little bitch,’ he fag-voiced me back.
at fag, adj.
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs 190: Anyway, there was this frammis with Sam.
at frammis, n.
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 26: Hey there, Funny Face.
at funny-face (n.) under funny, adj.2
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 27: Some chicks lead with the boobs ... look like they’re falling over frontward. This chick leads with the grumper. [...] The grumper, my child, is a portion of the female anatomy.
at grumper, n.
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 42: You can’t hack a habit like chicks on the kind of allowance Ma would give me.
at hack, v.5
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 348: I know those guys always get a little hinky about short-term money.
at hinky, adj.
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 128: I was honked at her because I was afraid her being there was going to chill a thing I had going with a babe.
at honked (off), adj.
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 51: David Strauss is suddenly a hot item.
at item, n.
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 349: Something jazzed up the phone on this end [...] Twisted cord or something.
at jazz up (v.) under jazz, v.
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 12: And the dough, baby. The iron men. The shekels. The kale.
at kale, n.
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 49: You don’t get any nookie, because you have got better things to do [...] Like a knob job for the Velvet Voise.
at knob-job (n.) under knob, n.
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 332: She and the lezzie were moving in together.
at lezzie, n.
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 42: Their mamas coach them — trade it for a lifetime meal ticket.
at meal ticket, n.
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 118: That southern mushmouth judge.
at mushmouth (n.) under mush, n.1
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 326: The gossip is now that Irving and Jackie may square off.
at square off, v.1
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 106: The Hallowell, whatever her other sterling qualities [...] has also one peachy-keen sense of taste when it comes to clothing.
at peachy-keen (adj.) under peachy, adj.
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 24: Dahlberg can’t get up and walk to the back of the airplane to see if his woman is screwing a pissant copilot.
at pissant, adj.
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 21: David Strauss is in a picture the guinea financed for a tax loss and instead it’s a sleeper!
at sleeper, n.
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 52: You slob-faced sonofabitch.
at slob-faced (adj.) under slob, n.1
[US] R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 11: So she’s the star of six million smackeroonies worth of picture?
at smackeroos, n.
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