at drunk as (a)..., adj.
at drunk as (a)..., adj.
at fig (a horse), v.
at abrac, n.
at abrahamer, n.
at abram, adj.
at abram-man, n.
at abram-man, n.
at academician, n.
at academy, n.
at academy, n.
at Adkins’s academy, n.
at accommodation house, n.
at pogey acqua!, excl.
at active citizens, n.
at adam tiler, n.
at adam, n.1
at have air and exercise (v.) under air, n.
at all Betty, adj.
at all set, adj.
at all nations, n.
at all sorts, n.
at alligator, n.
at amen-curler (n.) under amen, n.
at amuse, v.
at hook and snivey (with nix the buffer), n.
at sleek and slum (shop), n.
at bread and butter fashion (adv.) under bread-and-butter, adj.
at ducks and drakes, n.1
at black and white, n.1
at ye gods (and little fishes)!, excl.
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