1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome III 126: A man of war — or I’m a Tailor!at I’m a Dutchman, phr.
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome I 47: ‘Hoy! shew a leg, and save a clue!—’ Rouse! rouse!—heave out!at show a leg!, excl.
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome III 162: A short excursion Suggested for a day’s diversion. — ‘My Boy, ’twill make you all alive!’.at all alivo, adj.
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome III 169: Snoring in the arms of Joey, Calliope lay drunk as Chloe!at drunk as Chloe, adj.
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome I 21: [of horses] ‘Yaw! Babies, hip!’ the Driver cried, With whistle, stamp and lash thrown wide; And on the reeling carriage passed.at baby, n.
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome IV 201: But all of these right well, I ween, Have passed for Blacks, on board the Queen.at black, n.
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome IV 258: It is said that in the starboard birth of the queen’s cockpit, young officers used formerly to pass a regular examination in slang and blackguardism.at blackguard, n.
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome I 49: He gained for answer—‘Bl-st my eyes!’.at blast someone’s eyes! (excl.) under blast, v.1
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome II 118: In my born days I ne’er did chop Before on such a bl—sted fop, As Newcome there!at blasted, adj.1
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome I 41: They thought he must be mad as blazes!at blazes, n.
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome IV 221: He’d cap a bar Like blazes.at like (the) blazes (adv.) under blazes, n.
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome I 31: Blush, Pluto! Blush as brimstone blue! This bluer Town can boast like you A ‘facilis descensus’ too.at blue, adj.3
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome I 58: We’re going to the Cape, I know, The Bumboat-woman told me so.at bum-boat, n.
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome IV 190: At the Country Ball too, John His booby Cousin Bob outshone.at booby, adj.1
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome IV 217: No folks on earth, can more than We Respect the Brethren of the Sea!at brother (of the)..., n.
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome I 31: While rain by buckets-full came down.at bucket (down) (v.) under bucket, n.
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome II 76: Come, bear a fist, you Mess-boy, Sirrah! And hand us aft the Burgoo-stirrer!at burgoo, n.
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome I 50: ‘You see it?’ — ‘Yes.’ —‘Well, that implies, You’ve got no butter in your eyes.’.at have no butter in one’s eyes (v.) under butter, n.1
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome IV 245: John [...] O’er his left shoulder rueful eyed The Boatswain near where he was tied—While he made buttons.at one’s arse makes buttons (v.) under button, n.1
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome IV 248: I do not like the thought of risking The chance of such another whisking! For Gales, and Actions — and all that, I do not care — but d—n the Cat!at cat, n.3
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome I 30: Here many a Fish-fag sat and stunk, And Sailor rolled, and catted Punk — But Muse, avast! — pray shift the scene, If thou would’st keep thy fingers clean!at cat, v.1
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome I 46: The first, who fancied John a chicken, Stood out, and promised him a licking.at chicken, n.
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome II 120: We rule not Rhymes—our Rhymes rule us, Nor by a circumbendibus To gain our Goal we must neglect, When Rhymes wont let us march direct.at circumbendibus, n.
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome III 145: For cobbed he had been for the scoff.at cop, v.
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome III 142: Folks who after dinner sit, And bottles crack instead of wit.at crack a bottle (v.) under crack, v.2
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome III 162: We two can cruise about at random.at cruise, v.
1818 ‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome I 46: But John, whose choler now rose high, Bestowed on one a ‘dig i’th’ eye’.at dig, n.1