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Autobiography of a Gipsey choose

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[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 13: At the crack of the pistol, I was all abroad ‘Like a dog at a fair, looking seven ways for Sunday’.
at abroad, adj.
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 84: I steps aside, quick like, and tips him the auctioneer on the jaw.
at auctioneer, n.
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 412: The old ’un was an autem-cackler – what they calls a Baptist.
at autem-cackler (n.) under autem, n.
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 416: It ended by my doin’ little snakesman for my nibs and back-jumpin’ the carsey.
at back-jump, v.
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 112: He gave me the fourteen bar.
at bar, n.1
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 413: When I was about fourteen I slung my ’ook and joined some travelling Barks. [Ibid.] 434: It ain’t no manner o’ use goin’ to the hexpense of bringin’ a fust-class cracksman hall the way from Start to Barkshire.
at bark, n.2
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 414: I used to prac-tize wipe-hauling, tail buzzing, and thimble-twisting, on Jack and Rose for an hour or two hevery day, and when I was pretty puffec at the job I’d go hout with Rose and work the pushes and barneys.
at barney, n.2
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 22: The great, powerful animals, so full of beans.
at full of beans (adj.) under beans, n.3
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 143: He then undertook the post of bear-leader to the son of one of our local magnates, in which capacity he visited nearly every quarter of the habitable globe.
at bear-leader (n.) under bear, n.
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 410: A belcher handkerchief, secured by a gaudy scarf-pin.
at belcher, n.1
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 101: He’d had pretty nigh a belly-full a’ready.
at bellyful (n.) under belly, n.
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 417: I sends ’Liza off to Nat Hart – him as kep’ the billy-fencing shop down in Jamaica Street.
at billy-fencing shop, n.
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 369: I was rather too old a bird to be caught with a bit of cheap flattery.
at old bird, n.
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 413: Blimy! we’d most bust ourselves a-larfin’.
at blimey!, excl.
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 415: Alf Palmer – a chiv, blink, and snell-fencer.
at blink-fencer (n.) under blink, n.1
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 371: Why didn’t the tenantry have a blow-out, and fireworks, and all the rest of it.
at blow-out, n.1
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 83: He [...] was a’ dancin’ on his mattress and a’ yellin’ blue murder.
at scream blue murder (v.) under blue murder, n.
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 413: I got a charge of small shot in my legs and a treemoon o’ reesbin for bluey-crackin, and when I come out ’er steel I padded the hoof to Start.
at bluey-cracking, n.
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 408: Groups of men were [...] engaged in playing cards, dominoes, or rattling the bones.
at bones, n.1
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 418: First he tried to bounce the old-’un, but Nat stuck to him like a tick.
at bounce, v.1
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 412: Did you stag the milingtary-lookin’ swell [...] as run his rule over you in the push by the brief-jigger?
at brief, n.1
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 322: Here were the broadsmen and the ‘bonnets’: the thimble-engro [...] the one-legged sailor, and the rest of the canting crew.
at broadsman (n.) under broads, n.
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 416: Gulping down his emotion and a liberal dose of the best brown British.
at brown, n.
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 416: My missus – as fly a bewer, she were, as ever chucked a stall, a reg’lar tip-top tamtart.
at buer, n.
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 322: Here were the broadsmen and the ‘bonnets’: the thimble-engro [...] the one-legged sailor, and the rest of the canting crew.
at canting crew, n.
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 416: It ended by my doin’ little snakesman for my nibs and back-jumpin’ the carsey.
at carsey, n.
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 359: I’ll sky the castor.
at castor, n.
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 230: I would be on the back of one of Goodman’s flatcatchers, which I would ride to the meet.
at flat-catcher, n.2
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 415: Jem awoke me with an intimation that he would like to ‘moisten his chaffer’.
at moisten one’s chaffer (v.) under chaffer, n.2
[UK] F.W. Carew Autobiog. of a Gipsey 417: I dessaay you ’d ’er thought ’s how that ’d ’er finished it, but it didn’t, not by chalks.
at by chalks under chalk, n.1
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