1974 R. Carter Sixteenth Round (1991) 129: I was going to let him know that he would have to bring ass to get ass.at bring ass to get ass under ass, n.
1974 R. Carter Sixteenth Round 13: There were no such people in our young lives as Mister Charlie and the Devil — meaning white people — or Aunt Mary and Boy — meaning our mothers and fathers .at Aunt Mary, n.1
1974 R. Carter Sixteenth Round (1991) 197: Not even a cockeyed cock-a-roach could have survived there.at cock-eyed, adj.1
1974 R. Carter Sixteenth Round (1991) 161: A small, once-white, cruddy porcelain sink.at cruddy, adj.
1974 R. Carter Sixteenth Round 165: The worthless luxuries that most of the inmates craved – the cunt books, the fags, the cigarettes, the movies.at cunt book (n.) under cunt, n.
1974 R. Carter Sixteenth Round 319: The verdict was the dickhead that really seemed to blow Hogan’s mind the most.at dickhead, n.
1974 R. Carter Sixteenth Round (1991) 71: Come on out here, and let’s me and you start from the giddy-up!at giddyap, n.
1974 R. Carter Sixteenth Round (1991) 61: He won’t come back in here until the headwhuppers arrive.at headwhupper (n.) under head, n.
1974 R. Carter Sixteenth Round (1991) 79: The entire building reeked of maggot-infested wolf pussy. Its inhabitants looked like death standing on the street corner eating lifesavers.at look like death eating a sandwich (v.) under look like..., v.
1974 R. Carter Sixteenth Round (1991) viii: To Richard Solomon—my main kazaam.at main kazoo (n.) under main, adj.
1974 R. Carter Sixteenth Round (1991) 331: I knew that my life wasn’t worth a smell of rotten wolf pussy or two dead flies.at wolf-pussy, n.
1974 R. Carter Sixteenth Round (1991) 330: I sat there all through the night lovingly caressing a twelve-inch shank.at shank, n.1
1974 R. Carter Sixteenth Round (1991) 164: A young black jitterbug called Mother Herb started whupping on his faggot’s ass — which was white.at whip someone’s ass (v.) under whip, v.1