1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 56: And now let’s get down to business — as the bishop said to the actress.at as the actress said to the bishop, phr.
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 157: Simon knocked back a couple of pints of beer.at knock back, v.
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 162: Has this affair, on top of the diamonds, put you in bad with the Commissioner?at in bad under bad, adj.
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 114: As soon as Whiskers has rumbled that joke, you, old haricot [...] will beetle in and arrest the lot of us.at old bean (n.) under bean, n.2
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 70: The money they’ve got back for me from Hayn is no more than I lost in cash at his beastly club.at beastly, adj.
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 114: As soon as Whiskers has rumbled that joke, you, old haricot [...] will beetle in and arrest the lot of us.at beetle, v.
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 109: It had been a beautiful binge. Champagne. An’ brandy. An’ beer.at binge, n.
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 114: And when Dismal Desmond’s conversation gets boring [...] just blip him over the head with the slop-pail.at blip (off), v.
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 24: The triumphant sleuths of Vine Street [...] had to release you with apologies. Doubtless they’re swearing to make up for that bloomer.at bloomer, n.2
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 84: You filthy blots! [...] You warts — you flaming, verminous —.at blot, n.1
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 34: I know you want more of me than my services in decoying boobs upstairs.at boob, n.2
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 170: A little trouble in the Guards, followed by the O.B.E. You know. Order of the Boot — Everywhere.at order of the boot (n.) under boot, the, n.
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 11: He was leader of a particularly tough race-course gang, generally known as ‘The Snake’s Boys’.at boys, the, n.
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 21: It was his deal, but I shuffled the broads for him.at broads, n.
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 58: The Snake’s a small bug [...] You’re big, and I’m going to see that our contribution is in proportion.at bug, n.1
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 98: I’m afraid that’ll make Betty out to be rather a dim bulb, but we can’t help that.at dim bulb, n.
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 113: A real bull-dozing would make too much noise, and we haven’t a place to do it.at bulldose, v.
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 107: I’ll take the Desurio [...] and you take the Morris and the moll — and let’s burn the road.at burn the earth (v.) under burn, v.
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 221: The dear soul wants this blinkin’ bus [i.e. a seaplane] what I’m sitting in.at bus, n.2
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 55: I shan’t take nearly as long as that, my cabbage.at cabbage, n.3
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 126: ‘It sounds good,’ he said. ‘It’s the caterpillar’s spats!’.at cat’s pyjamas, n.
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 43: You’re going to see a sample of rough-housing that’ll make your bunch of third-rate hoodlums look like two cents’ worth of oxtail.at two cents’ worth, n.
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 45: Any time any of you bad cheeses want any more lessons in rough-housing [...] drop me a postcard.at cheese, n.1
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 180: Their records, if you came to examine them closely, probably wouldn’t show up any too clean.at clean, adj.
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 33: You’re quite sure he wasn’t one of these clever dicks?at clever dick, n.
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 126: Toddle along and give him another clip over the ear.at clip, n.2
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 112: And a rakish cap effect, as worn by college chums, would make it perfect.at college chum (n.) under college, n.
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 133: Tell me, Spider [...] is this or is this not entitled to be called a cop?at cop, n.1
1930 ‘Leslie Charteris’ Enter the Saint 31: Stannard roused the white coated barman [...] ‘I want something steep in corpse-revivers.’.at corpse reviver (n.) under corpse, n.