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The Old Bachelor choose

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[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor IV iv: Adslidikins, bully, we’ll wallow in wine and women!
at adslife! (excl.) under ads, n.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor III ii: Adsbud, who’s in fault, mistress of mine?
at adsblood! (excl.) under ads, n.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor I i: You that are women’s asses bear greater burdens.
at ass, n.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor II i: Are you not a bully-back?
at bully back, n.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor III iii: Tell him, I say he must refund, or Bilbo’s the word, and slaughter will ensue.
at bilbo, n.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor V v: Your wife has been blown upon.
at blown, adj.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor V ii: Did not her eyes twinkle, and her mouth water? did not she pull up her little bubbies?
at bubby, n.1
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor II i: Ah, my Hector of Troy, welcome my bully, my back!
at bully, n.1
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor IV iv: O monstrous filthy fellow! Good slovenly Captain Huffe, Bluffe, (what is your hideous name?).
at Captain Huff (n.) under captain, n.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor i: dramatis personae: Captain Bluffe.
at Captain Bluff (n.) under captain, n.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor IV i: Cocky, Cocky, nay, dear Cocky, don’t cry, I was but in jest.
at cocky, n.1
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor III i: Man was by nature woman’s cully made.
at cully, n.1
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor II i: Cursed fortune! this must be the place, this damned unlucky place!
at damned, adv.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor IV iv: Now am I slap dash down in the mouth, and have not a word to say!
at slap-dash, adv.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor II i: Money is but dirt, Sir Joseph, mere dirt.
at dirt, n.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor i: But, egad, I durst not stay to give him thanks.
at egad!, excl.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor V v: Oh, foh! what does the filthy fellow mean?
at faugh!, excl.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor I i: Yet it is often times to late with some of you young, termagant flashy sinners.
at flashy, adj.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor IV i: Gads so, there he is, he must not see me.
at gadso! (excl.) under gad, n.1
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor II ii: O gad, you are quite spoiled!
at gad!, excl.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor V v: Hang me, if I pity you; you are right enough served.
at hang me! (excl.) under hang, v.1
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor II i: By the Lord Harry I’ll stay no longer.
at by the Lord Harry! (excl.) under Lord Harry, n.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor II i: He is indeed back, breast, and head-piece as it were to me.
at head-piece, n.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor IV vi: I sprout! I bud! I blossom! I am ripe-horn-mad!
at horn-mad, adj.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor IV i: dear Cocky – I’feck you’ll break my heart – I’feck you will.
at i’fecks!, excl.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor IV i: I say he is a wanton young Levite.
at levite, n.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor V ii: This letter, that so sticks in thy maw, is counterfeit.
at maw, n.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor III ii: Thou maukin, made up of shreds and parings of his superflous fopperies!
at mawkin, n.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor IV vi: You don’t love mutton, you Magdalen unconverted?
at mutton, n.
[UK] Congreve Old Bachelor I i: Ay, there you’ve nicked it.
at nick, v.1
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