at drunk as (a)..., adj.
at acid flashback (n.) under acid, n.1
at shit-all, adv.
at heel-and-toe, n.
at hard-ass, n.
at play (a game of) hide the salami (v.) under play (at)..., v.
at baboon, n.
at wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am, phr.
at barmy, adj.
at beanpole, n.
at benzo, n.2
at berries, n.
at biggie, n.
at bingle, n.1
at bit, n.1
at blooming, adj.1
at red cent, n.
at cheap-ass (adj.) under cheap, adj.
at clodhopper, n.
at combo, n.2
at con-man, n.
at conk (out), v.
at crap out, v.
at cruise, v.
at cuffs and collars (n.) under cuff, n.2
at date, n.1
at deadbeat, adj.
at dickweed (n.) under dick, n.1
at diddly-squat, n.1
at digs, n.1
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