at I’m a Dutchman, phr.
at five and dime, n.
at attaboy!, excl.
at barnstorm, v.
at bastard, n.
at be good!, excl.
at beat, n.1
at beaucoup, n.
at begorra!, excl.
at bejazus!, excl.
at berry, n.1
at four bits (n.) under bit, n.1
at bloat, n.
at go blooey (v.) under blooey!, excl.
at yes siree bob!, excl.
at bottle-nose, n.
at bottlenosed, adj.
at damnation bow-wows, n.
at how’s the boy?, phr.
at broad, n.2
at bull, n.5
at tie that bull outside under bull, n.6
at bum for (adj.) under bum, adj.
at burble, v.
at monkey business, n.
at bust, v.1
at go (to) bye-bye(s) (v.) under bye-bye(s), n.
at cad, n.1
at card, n.2
at red cent, n.
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