1920 Dos Passos Three Soldiers (2007) 275: I was scared green when I first saw you.at scared green (adj.) under scare, v.
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 399: Then the M.P.’s started cleanin’ up Strasburg after A.W.O.L.’s, an’ I beat it out of there.at A.W.O.L., n.
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 178: The big gun fired again. Chrisfield was near it this time and felt the concussion like a blow in the head. ‘Some baby,’ said the man behind him.at baby, n.
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 280: ‘But what about the Sorbonne?’ ‘The Sorbonne can go to Ballyhack.’.at balahack, n.
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 23: Indiana’s ma state. The tornado country . . . Git to work; here’s that bastard wop comin’ around the buildin’.at bastard, adj.
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 205: ‘So you are really going,’ said Andrews. [...] ‘You bet your pants I am, Andy.’.at bet one’s buttons (v.) under bet, v.
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 🌐 n.p.: ‘I was just telling him,’ said the other, ‘to be careful as hell not to get in wrong. If ye once get in wrong in this damn army . . . it’s hell.’ ‘You bet yer life.’.at (you) bet your life! (excl.) under bet, v.
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 353: ‘I got one bird, Bill,’ said the man, shoving Andrews roughly in the door.at bird, n.1
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 61: ‘If you fellers don’t quit yellin’, I’ll put the whole blame lot of you on K. P.’ came the sergeant’s good-natured voice.at blame, adj.
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 122: ‘Say, Stockton, why don’t you get up, you fool?’ said Fuselli. ‘You can’t buck the whole army.’.at buck, v.2
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 326: Then they started shootin’ and a bloody bullet buggered the boike.at bugger, v.2
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 44: A little man lying in one of the upper bunks had spoken suddenly [...] ‘That goddam kike Eisenstein,’ muttered someone. ‘Say, tie that bull outside,’ shouted Bill Grey good-naturedly.at tie that bull outside under bull, n.6
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 246: Can’t do anything without getting a general order about it. Looks to me like it’s all bushwa.at bushwa, n.
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 🌐 n.p.: ‘Say, how did you come to bust loose?’ said Al, turning his head towards Andrews.at bust loose (v.) under bust, v.1
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 14: The corporal likes fancy ciggies and so does the sergeant; you jus’ slip ’em each a butt now and then. May help ye to get in right with ’em.at butt, n.1
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 399: You’re the only one that knows . . . you know what. You an’ that sergeant. Doan you say anythin’ so that the guys here kin ketch on, d’ye hear?at catch on, v.
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 61: ‘For cat’s sake quit that coughin’. Let a feller sleep,’ came a voice from the other side of the tent.at for cat’s sake!, excl.
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 41: A lot of soldiers were sitting in a ring round two tall negroes whose black faces and chests glistened like jet in the faint light. ‘Come on, Charley, give us another,’ said someone.at charlie, n.2
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 50: When I think to myself how much folks need me home [...] I juss can’t cash in my checks.at cash in one’s checks (v.) under check, n.1
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 2861: It’s a dog’s age since I met anyone new.at coon’s age (n.) under coon, n.
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 15: ‘It’s hell sayin’ good-by to girls,’ said Powers, understandingly. ‘Cuts a feller all up. I guess it’s better to go with coosies. Ye don’t have to say good-by to them.’.at cooze, n.
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 366: ‘Say, what d’you think the chance is o’ cuttin’ loose?’ ‘Pretty damn poor,’ said Andrews.at cut loose, v.
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 355: They don’t have that stuff down on the farm . . . School Detachment; I’ll be goddamned!at I’ll be goddamned! (excl.) under god-damn, v.
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 404: Gosh darn it, I don’t see how you can go around with a guy an’ drink with him, an’ then rob him.at gosh-darn, v.
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 401: We all call her the dawg-faced girl.at dogface (n.) under dog, n.2
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 182: He remembered that Andy was crazy — a ‘yaller dog’, Judkins had called him.at yellow dog, n.
1921 Dos Passos Three Soldiers 189: ‘Here’s an officer done for,’ said the captain, who walked ahead.at done for, adj.