1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 362: Darren stopped the ball. Normally he’d have have two or three men up his arse by now.at up someone’s arse/ass under arse, n.
1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 559: Jimmy Sr was carrying a brown bag that was already soggy; the arse was going to fall out of it.at arse, n.
1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 384: He knew chaps that wouldn’t bother their arses getting up, and wives as well who stayed in bed.at arse, n.
1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 617: You couldn’t be one of the nicest, soundest people ever born and suddenly become a mean, conniving, tight-arsed little cunt; not overnight.at tight-arsed, adj.
1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 616: I didn’t say annythin’, said Bimbo. – Me bollix, said Jimmy Sr, just over his breath.at my bollocks! (excl.) under ballocks, n.
1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 373: My Jaysis, tha’ young one has you by the bollix alrigh’.at have someone/something by the balls (v.) under balls, n.
1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 575: D’yeh know wha’ we need, Bimbo? he said [...] – Wha’? said Bimbo. – A night on the batter, said Jimmy Sr.at batter, n.3
1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 375: He wanted to go after him and thump the living shite out of him and throw the poxy fiver back in his face.at beat the shit out of, v.
1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 441: Yeh fuckin’ big-headed little prick, yeh.at big-headed (adj.) under big head, n.1
1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 588: They were a right pair of bints, your women at the jacks door.at bint, n.
1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 503: Not just green notes either, brown ones as well, and even a couple of blueys.at bluey, n.1
1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 369: Come here you, Bollockchops, said Billy.at bollockchops (n.) under bollock, n.
1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 567: Bloody bowsies, he said [...] Yeh shouldn’t encourage them.at bowsie, n.
1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 367: Do none of yis go up to the Hikers at all? – I do, said Kenny. – Yeh do in your brown, said Anto.at in one’s brown under brown, n.
1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 395: He could’ve given himself a bugle now, out here in the hall, just remembering what she was like.at bugle, n.2
1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 380: No, hang on, Jim, said Bimbo. I’ll get this one. It’s my round but.at but, adv.
1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 596: Bimbo and Anne Marie were chewing the faces off each other.at chew someone’s face (v.) under chew, v.
1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 409: He’d sat on that stone bench with the two bronze oul’ ones chin-wagging on it.at chinwag, v.
1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 363: Game over, ten minutes early. – Thank fuck, said Pat Conlon. – It’s fuckin’ freezin’.at thank Christ, phr.
1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 524: I didn’t spend a fortune on your hair, said Jimmy Sr, – so yis could get picked up by snot-nosed little corner boys.at corner boy (n.) under corner, n.2
1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 499: She was one of those culchie-looking women, roundy and red.at culchie, n.
1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 577: What’s keepin’ the cunt? said Jimmy Sr when the train stopped for a minute at the depot.at cunt, n.
1991 R. Doyle Van (1998) 589: A pint of stout in this place would leave them pebble-dashing the jacks for the rest of the weekend.at pebble-dash, v.