at bonnetter, n.
at bonnetter, n.
at case, n.3
at case, n.4
at speel (on) the drum (v.) under drum, n.3
at family people (n.) under family, n.1
at poll, v.
at sheen, n.1
at tie up, v.1
at jack (a) dandy, n.
at church a yack, v.
at three quarters (of a peck), n.
at Cain and Abel, n.
at long acre, n.
at albonized, adj.
at alderman, n.
at all-hot, n.
at amputate one’s mahogany, v.
at cat and mouse, n.
at cow-and-kisses, n.
at lath and plaster, n.
at lean and fat, n.
at lean and lurch, n.
at east and south, n.
at flounder (and dab), n.
at out-and-out, adj.
at apples (and pears), n.
at read and write, n.
at rogue (and villain), n.
at frog and toe, n.
at oats and chaff, n.
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