1828 Eve. Standard (London) 26 June : These men are denominated in the slang phraseology swell burz-men [sic], and any thing less than a good watch, or a well-lined pocket-book, is perfectly beneath their notice.at swell buz(z)man (n.) under buz, n.
1862 Eve. Standard (London) 4 Mar. 6/4: I trist [...] Ashton-under-Lyme will provide itself with a member who does not represent the ‘schism-shop’ interest.at schism-shop, n.
1863 Eve. Standard 24 Apr. n.p.: Benedict came down a burster, and was out of the race [F&H].at burster, n.1
1865 Eve. Standard (London) 21 June 5/3: The Defendant [...] said he only told the officer that he was so sharp that he ‘had been eating vinegar with a fork’.at eat vinegar with a fork (v.) under eat, v.
1872 Eve. Standard 16 Aug. n.p.: ‘The Competition Wallah.’ The crammer follows in the wake of competitive examinations as surely as does the shadow the body [F&H].at crammer, n.
1892 Eve. Standard 9 Nov. 1/1: We describe the betting upon a moral certainty as being all Lombard-street to a china orange.at Lombard Street to a china orange, phr.
1897 Eve. Standard 24 Dec. 4, 5: When one, or both, of two proficient antagonists at any sport have taken the needle... the result, nine times out of ten, is an improvement in the exhibition [F&H].at take the needle (v.) under needle, n.
1903 Eve. Standard 23 Sept. 3/3: King Moneybags [...] The Rule of the Millionaire.at moneybag(s) (n.) under money, n.
1905 Eve. Standard (Dundee) 25 Dec. 4/5: An actress lodged a complaint against a gorgeous knight of the industry who called himself Lord Leicester [...] The woman [...] accused the spurious nobleman of having stolen from her a pair of earrings.at ...(the) industry under knight of the..., n.
1910 Eve. Standard (Ogden City, UT) 30 Dec. 6/4: I know a girl [...] who is dead nuts to go on the stage.at dead nuts, adv.
1912 Eve. Standard (Ogden City, UT) 27 Mar. 2/2: I enforced the law against disorderly saloons and chop-suey joints.at chop suey joint (n.) under chop suey, adj.
1912 Eve. Standard (Ogden City, UT) 6 Sept. n.p.: Dirty Big Business and Corrupt Politics have combined to beat Theodore Roosevelt.at dirty, adj.
1934 Eve. Standard 28 May 10: [cartoon caption] Prime Minister Blimp: ‘Gad, sir, the Air League is right. We must oppose all proposals for the abolition of military aviation.’.at blimp, n.1
1937 Eve. Standard (London) 11 Sept. 7/3: Oh, the mice are at it! I think we want Tibby here.at tibby, n.1
1970 Eve. Standard 19 Apr. n.p.: Pakistanis living in terror of the ‘paki-basher’ mobs of skinheads [DSUE].at Paki-basher (n.) under Paki, n.
1977 Eve. Standard 17 Aug. 13: The baggy trousers he wore had nothing on the drainies of the local Teds.at drainies, n.
1977 Eve. Standard 17 Aug. 13: My dad snaffled some glossy stills of Elvis from his newspaper office.at snaffle, v.
1977 Eve. Standard 17 Aug. 13: The baggy trousers he wore had nothing on the drainies of the local Teds.at have something on someone (v.) under something, n.
1987 Eve. Standard 20 Mar. 19: He makes no secret of the fact that he believes in the yuppy-bashing campaign, although he maintains he takes no part in violent acts.at bashing, n.
1987 Eve. Standard 2 Mar. 24: First identified in America, Yuppy stands for Young Upwardly Mobile Professional.at yuppie, n.
1987 Eve. Standard 5 Mar. 8: Colin is scathing about the yuppification of the East End.at yuppification (n.) under yuppie, n.
1987 Eve. Standard 19 Mar. 39: The police advise anyone who moves into converted or renovated property in newly yuppified areas to change their locks immediately.at yuppified (adj.) under yuppie, n.
1990 Eve. Standard (London) 19 Apr. 6/3: ‘The original report would have bored the knickers off most of the governors’.at bore the pants off (v.) under pants, n.
1999 Eve. Standard Mag. 4 June 1: You see? This is exactly why. April showers. Apey. Ape. It puts men off.at ape, adj.
1999 Eve. Standard 28 May 51: Something will have gone terribly wrong if it doesn’t go ballistic at the box office.at go ballistic (v.) under ballistic, adj.
1999 Eve. Standard 28 May 60: Moving from hip-happy salsa to beach-bum languor.at beach bum (n.) under beach, n.