1928 T. Thursday ‘Sock of Ages’ in Fight Stories Oct. 🌐 If you don’t lick that pork-and-beaner, I’ll wallop you when you git home!at pork-and-beaner, n.
1928 T. Thursday ‘Sock of Ages’ in Fight Stories Oct. 🌐 Now comes what most folks called the world’s premier boob stunt.at boob, adj.
1928 T. Thursday ‘Sock of Ages’ in Fight Stories Oct. 🌐 I declare all bets off! This looks like a frame-up!at frame-up, n.
1928 T. Thursday ‘Sock of Ages’ in Fight Stories Oct. 🌐 Wildcat Koop had a shade the better of the go.at go, n.1
1928 T. Thursday ‘Sock of Ages’ in Fight Stories Oct. 🌐 We’re out just twenty-five smackers!at out, adv.1
1928 T. Thursday ‘Sock of Ages’ in Fight Stories Oct. 🌐 What’s the use of arguing with a stonehead like him, eh?at stonehead (n.) under stone, adj.
1928 T. Thursday ‘Sock of Ages’ in Fight Stories Oct. 🌐 But the tenth and final frame was a whizzer!at whizzer, n.1
1929 R.H.H. Nichols ‘Sinbad the Sailor’ in Fight Stories Jan. 🌐 He knew it was all over but the shouting.at all over bar the shouting, phr.
1929 R.E. Howard ‘Pit of the Serpent’ Fight Stories July 🌐 ‘Blank, exclamation point, and asterisk!’ I roared.at asterisk, n.
1929 R.E. Howard ‘Pit of the Serpent’ Fight Stories July 🌐 He knows your ship sails tomorrow, and he didn’t have no time for ballyhooin’.at ballyhoo, v.
1929 R.E. Howard ‘Pit of the Serpent’ Fight Stories July 🌐 Instead of following my natural instinct and knocking seven or eight of these bezarks for a row [...] I avoided them.at bezark, n.
1929 R.E. Howard ‘Pit of the Serpent’ Fight Stories July 🌐 Gi’ me leeway – and I’ll do this blankety-blank right.at blankety-blank, phr.
1929 R.E. Howard ‘Pit of the Serpent’ Fight Stories July 🌐 Our skipper took their captain to a cleaning on the wharfs of Zanzibar.at give someone a cleaning (v.) under cleaning, n.
1929 R.E. Howard ‘Pit of the Serpent’ Fight Stories July 🌐 The fact that you was lucky enough to crown me don’t alter my admiration and affection.at crown, v.
1929 R.E. Howard ‘Pit of the Serpent’ Fight Stories July 🌐 ‘I’ve seen ’em knocked even more cuckoo,’ said the dip.at knock cuckoo (v.) under cuckoo, adj.
1929 R.E. Howard ‘Pit of the Serpent’ Fight Stories July 🌐 Knock the daylights out of the blank-blank that’s pretendin’ to referee this bout.at beat the (living) daylight(s) out of (v.) under daylights, n.
1929 R.E. Howard ‘Pit of the Serpent’ Fight Stories July 🌐 I [...] recognized a pickpocket I used to know [...] ‘This house used to be owned by a crazy Spaniard with more mazuma than brains,’ said the dip.at dip, n.1
1929 R.E. Howard ‘Pit of the Serpent’ Fight Stories July 🌐 ‘The lady is engaged at present, stupid,’ says I, poking my jaw out. [...] ‘Don’t get gay with me, Costigan,’ says he, nastily.at get gay (with) (v.) under gay, adj.
1929 R.E. Howard ‘Pit of the Serpent’ Fight Stories July 🌐 Gerusha! And only a few months ago me and the Sailor [...] had done everything but knife each other in a twenty-round draw.at Jerusalem!, excl.
1929 R.E. Howard ‘Pit of the Serpent’ Fight Stories July 🌐 Slade [...] was the shiftiest, trickiest leather-slinger in the whole merchant marine.at leather-slinger (n.) under leather, n.
1929 R.E. Howard ‘Pit of the Serpent’ Fight Stories July 🌐 This house used to be owned by a crazy Spaniard with more mazuma than brains.at mazuma, n.
1929 R.H.H. Nichols ‘Sinbad the Sailor’ in Fight Stories Jan. 🌐 You lousy saltwater bum.at salt water, n.
1929 R.E. Howard ‘Pit of the Serpent’ Fight Stories July 🌐 ‘Let’s shake a hoof, baby,’ said this skate.at shake a hoof (v.) under shake, v.
1929 R.H.H. Nichols ‘Sinbad the Sailor’ in Fight Stories Jan. 🌐 Then he developed a sock appeal that [...] made him the champion of the Great Lakes.at sock, n.2
1929 R.H.H. Nichols ‘Sinbad the Sailor’ Fight Stories Jan. 🌐 Don’t you see what it is, you thick-head?at thickhead, n.
1930 R.E. Howard ‘Fist and Fang’ Fight Stories May 🌐 ‘All right, you black swine!’ I yelled at him, kind of off my bat, I reckon. ‘Go ahead—do your worst!’.at off one’s bat under bat, n.5
1930 R.E. Howard ‘Fist and Fang’ Fight Stories May 🌐 This bezark stopped in front of us, twirling his gun on his forefinger and I looked close at him.at bezark, n.
1930 R.E. Howard ‘Champ of the Forecastle’ Fight Stories Nov. 🌐 Havin’ licked the big cheese three or four times already, I seen no need in mauling him any more.at big cheese, n.
1930 R.E. Howard ‘Bull Dog Breed’ Fight Stories Feb. 🌐 ‘Help me up, Tom Roche, you big bog-trotter,’ I snarled.at bogtrotter (n.) under bog, n.3
1930 R.E. Howard ‘Fist and Fang’ Fight Stories May 🌐 He lost two more fights in a row that way. Hussenstein give him the bounce and he dropped out of view.at give someone the bounce (v.) under bounce, n.1