at up against, phr.
at up in the air (adj.) under air, n.
at have it all on, v.
at off the alley (adj.) under alley, n.3
at beef and, n.
at hot and heavy, phr.
at jim and joe, n.
at how are they stacking up?, phr.
at battle-axe, n.1
at have them bad (v.) under bad, adj.
at three balls, n.
at barrel, n.1
at battiness (n.) under batty, adj.1
at beak, n.2
at beanery, n.
at benzine buggy, n.
at slip someone a blank (v.) under blank, n.
at knock someone’s block off (v.) under block, n.1
at blooming, adj.1
at blow-out, n.1
at blow, n.3
at bogtrotter (n.) under bog, n.3
at boo-hoo, n.
at boost, v.1
at bricktop (n.) under brick, n.
at broiler, n.
at bubble, n.2
at bug ward (n.) under bug, n.4
at bug-eyed, adj.
at bughouse, adj.1
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