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The School of Abuse; Short Apologie of the School of Abuse choose

Quotation Text

[UK] S. Gosson School of Abuse (1868) 45: Euerye one which comes to buye their Iestes, shall haue an honest neighbour, tagge and ragge, cutte and longe tayle, goe thither and spare not, otherwise I aduise you to keep you thence.
at rag, tag and bobtail, n.
[UK] S. Gosson An Apologie of the School of Abuse (1868) 64: They haue eaten bulbief.
at bull-beef, n.
[UK] S. Gosson School of Abuse (1868) 24: I shoulde tel tales out of the Schoole, and bee [...] hyssed at for a blab.
at blab, n.
[UK] S. Gosson School of Abuse (1868) 66: If it bee my fortune too meete with the learned woorkes of this London Sabinus, that can not playe the Poet without a Prompter; nor vtter a wise worde without a Piper; you shall see we will make him to blush like a blacke Dogge, when he is graueled.
at blush like a black dog (v.) under blush, v.
[UK] S. Gosson School of Abuse (1868) 27: We haue infinite Poets, and Pipers, and suche peeuishe cattel among vs in Englande.
at cattle, n.
[UK] S. Gosson Apologie of the School of Abuse (1868) 69: Delighting thee as much with hope of my coyne, as my self was pleased with the sounde of thy instrument.
at coin, n.
[UK] S. Gosson School of Abuse (1868) 30: Plutarch with a caueat keepeth them out, not so much as admitting the little crackhalter that carrieth his maisters pantouffles.
at crack halter (n.) under crack, v.2
[UK] S. Gosson School of Abuse (1868) 46: Every Duns will be a Carper, every Dick Swash a common Cutter.
at cutter, n.1
[UK] S. Gosson School of Abuse (1868) 30: If at the Epicures table, they had nigh burst their guts with ouer feeding.
at gut, n.
[UK] S. Gosson An Apologie of the School of Abuse (1868) 66: Venus a notorious strumpet, that lay with Mars, with Mercurie [...] with Adones, that taught the women in Cyprus to set vp a Stewes, too hyre out them selues as hackneies, for gaine.
at hackney, n.
[UK] S. Gosson School of Abuse (1868) 34: Our wreastling at armes, is turned to wallowyng in Ladies laps.
at lap, n.1
[UK] S. Gosson School of Abuse (1868) 50: To lye like Lubbers in the Ship of the common wealth.
at lubber, n.
[UK] S. Gosson School of Abuse 37: There are more houses than Parishe Churches, more maydes than Maulkin.
at malkin, n.
[UK] S. Gosson School of Abuse (1868) 37: [Whores] take sanctuary in fryeries, or liue a mile from the Cittie like Venus nunnes in a Cloyster at Newington, Ratliffe, Islington, Hogsdon or some such place, where like penitents, they deny the worlde, and spende theyr dayes in double deuotion.
at nun, n.
[UK] S. Gosson School of Abuse (1868) 53: No better than an Apothecaries Shop, of pestilent Drugges; a quacke-saluers Budget of filthy receites.
at quack, n.1
[UK] S. Gosson School of Abuse (1868) 35: If this were well noted, as ill seene [...] I haue no doubt but the cause would be feared to dry vp the effect, and these pretty Rabbets very cunningly ferretted from their borrowes.
at rabbit, n.1
[UK] S. Gosson School of Abuse (1868) 51: If it be the dutie of euery man in a common wealth, one way or other to bestirre his stumpes, I cannot but blame those lither contemplators very much, which sit concluding of Sillogisumes in a corner.
at stir one’s stumps (v.) under stir, v.
[UK] S. Gosson School of Abuse (1868) 39: She accounted them vnwoorthy the name of men [...] because they were smoothly appareled, soft lodged, daintely feasted, bathed in warme waters, rubbed with sweet oyntments, strewd with fine poulders, wine swillers, fingers, Dauncers, and Players.
at swill, v.
[UK] S. Gosson School of Abuse (1868) 36: Euery Vawter in one blinde Tauerne or other, is Tenant at will, to which shee tolleth resorte, and plays the stale to utter their victuals and help them to empty their musty casks [...] every back room in the house is at her commandment.
at tenant at will (n.) under tenant, n.
[UK] S. Gosson School of Abuse (1868) 24: His skill is showne too make his Scholar as good as euer twangde shoulde.
at as good as ever twanged under twang, v.1
[UK] S. Gosson School of Abuse (1868) 36: Euery Vawter in one blinde Tauerne or other, is Tenant at will, to which shee tolleth resorte.
at vaulter, n.
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