1996 D. Healy Bend for Home 276: Arthur Daley, she says. I like that thing. He’s always chancing his arm.at chance one’s arm (v.) under arm, n.
1996 D. Healy Bend for Home 284: Don’t you know what having a monkey on your shoulder means? No. It means having an addiction, he said.at monkey on one’s back, n.
1996 D. Healy Bend for Home 86: See that lake? [...] There was a race-course here, if you can believe it, and bedad he fell in and drowned.at bedad!, excl.
1996 D. Healy Bend for Home 303: He was inside playing the box to himself. He put the accordion aside and we sipped a glass of whiskey.at box, n.1
1996 D. Healy Bend for Home 97: It’s Mandrax. It will bring you down, said his friend.at bring down, v.1
1996 (ref. to 1963) D. Healy Bend for Home 227: We stepped out of the shower and Hugh McGovern said, Are yous bum boys or what?at bum boy (n.) under bum, n.1
1996 (ref. to 1963) D. Healy Bend for Home 135: The shit smell from the clatty toilets seeped through the disinfectant.at clatty, adj.
1996 D. Healy Bend for Home 44: He cracked in my face. A thick foggy smell of fart reached me.at crack, v.1
1996 (ref. to 1963) D. Healy Bend for Home 203: Mal Elliot is half shot and Dermot is half cut.at half-cut, adj.2
1996 (ref. to 1963) D. Healy Bend for Home 180: What happened to you? asked Lila Little. I was in a fight. You look a dread, she said.at dread, n.1
1996 (ref. to 1963) D. Healy Bend for Home 174: Oh but I do. You do in your gob.at in your face! (excl.) under face, n.
1996 D. Healy Bend for Home 66: Mrs Smith wants a cherry cake at five, my mother would say. Does she, the faggot.at faggot, n.1
1996 D. Healy Bend for Home 50: The long fang, yellow and topped with black, sat in a saucer.at fang, n.
1996 (ref. to 1963) D. Healy The Bend for Home 175: One minute you’re mad for it, the next you’re not.at mad for it, adj.
1996 (ref. to 1963) D. Healy Bend for Home 176: She drove me home at 4 in the morning and taught me to French-kiss in Main Street.at French kiss, v.
1996 D. Healy Bend for Home 190: Peadar, he shouted [...] come back here! But the storyteller said I have the gawks and continued down the road. [Ibid.] 208: I have the dry gawks, said the policeman.at gawks, the, n.
1996 D. Healy Bend for Home 291: She asked me to phone Una. So I said Una was in America. Phone, said your mother, for the gig of the thing and she started laughing.at gig, n.1
1996 D. Healy Bend for Home 280: She gives off to me if I’m angry – That’s your mother you’re talking to, she says.at give off (v.) under give, v.2
1996 (ref. to 1963) D. Healy Bend for Home 162: We all know about you, you glick fucker.at glick, adj.
1996 D. Healy Bend for Home 86: We’re on holidays, said Matt Donnelly. You are in my hat. Do you think I’m a gom?at my hat!, excl.