1919 Bridgeport Times (CT) 3 Apr. 16/3: Not only the Pin yen (commercial opium) was found in the Hop Toys but Yen Shee (ashes), evidence that smoking had been in progress.at pen yen, n.
1919 Bridgeport Times (CT) 28 Apr. 2/2: The soldier flahsed his roll.at flash (up) a/one’s roll (v.) under roll, n.
1922 Bridgeport Times (CT) 13 May 11/5: He made his way cross-lots to gain his rest the sooner.at across lots, phr.
1922 Bridgeport Times (CT) 21 June 12/1: [headline] Pussyfoot Cusses Bootleg, Not Plain Ordinary Licker.at bootleg, n.
1922 Bridgeport Times (CT) 8 June 10/3: [photo captin] ‘Throwing the Bull’ — With Reverse English — This cowboy [...] sought to ride this untamed bull, but [...] couldn’t keep his seat.at reverse English, n.
1922 Bridgeport Times (CT) 13 May 11/5: A man in a little old rattletrap flivver drove up behind me.at rattletrap, adj.