1995 B. Wallace ‘How to talk someone down (ARRRT technique)’ on Erowid.org 🌐 Two cautions when using the ARRRT talk-down technique.at talk-down, n.
1996 ‘The Hollow One’ posting at Erowid.org 🌐 I as a general rule dont like hot knives as much as bottle tokes cuz there’s something kinda hardcore about sitting around a stove sucking on a tube.at bottle tokes (n.) under bottle, n.1
2000 Selene ‘Unusual Mixed Party MDMA’ on ‘Experience Vaults’ on Erowid.org 31 Oct. 🌐 Had a great ‘tour guide’ who supported me and was always there for me and my safety/health.at tour guide, n.
2001 Curious Georgette ‘Adolescent Acid Test’ on ‘Experience Vaults’ on Erowid.org 11 July 🌐 Then I started analyzing his name. bob baaaaaazan. bob baaaazing. bob baaaazam. (bob had dosed a skillion times before so he found this rather humerous).at skillion, n.
2002 ‘Drug Sl. Vault’ on Erowid.org 🌐 Pull a will vomiting from too much drug use.at pull a will (v.) under pull a..., v.
2002 ‘Drug Sl. Vault’ on Erowid.org 🌐 Blow up Crack cut with lidocaine to increase size, weight, and street value.at blow-up, n.3
2002 ‘Drug Sl. Vault’ on Erowid.org 🌐 Cook down mixing Heroin with water and heating in preparation for injection.at cook-down (n.) under cook, v.1
2002 ‘Drug Sl. Vault’ on Erowid.org 🌐 Cool Smoke smoking Methamphetamine (‘ice’).at cool smoke (n.) under cool, adj.
2002 ‘Drug Sl. Vault’ on Erowid.org 🌐 Missile PCP. Missile Basing Crack liquid and PCP.at missile, n.
2002 ‘Drug Sl. Vault’ on Erowid.org 🌐 Missile PCP. Missile Basing Crack liquid and PCP.at missile basing (n.) under missile, n.
2002 ‘Drug Sl. Vault’ on Erowid.org 🌐 Pizza toppings Psilocybin Mushrooms.at pizza toppings (n.) under pizza, n.
2002 ‘Drug Sl. Vault’ on Erowid.org 🌐 Puller Crack smoker who pulls at parts of their body excessively.at puller, n.