2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] She’ll be on us like a dog on chips.at like a dog on chips under like a..., phr.
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] He wasn’t supplying the flat for her to get comfortable in: it was where she worked, it was where she turned tricks.at turn a trick, v.2
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] You think you can mess me about, you’re in for a shock.at mess about, v.
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] He pointed towards her as he spoke. ‘You need to get your act together [...] You need to start paying attention to your punters’.at get one’s act together (v.) under act, n.
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] He didn’t see anyone paying for an all-nighter with a skank like Leanne.at all-nighter, n.
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] Every time you go out that door you become a basket case with the stress and strain.at basket case (n.) under basket, n.1
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] I didn’t get a girl for them. Look, it wasn’t like that . . . I don’t deal with beasts.at beast, n.
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] You want a belt, want reminding who you’re dealing with?at belt, n.
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] When he belted his girls, he made sure the consequences stayed out of sight.at belt, v.
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] We don’t want them coming down here and big-footing the lot of us. Be just like them to steal the show.at big-foot (v.) under big, adj.
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] If we have a mole on the team feeding biccies to Sinclair, then I’ll be feeding them into a mincer.at bikkie, n.
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] He was screaming like billy-o.at like billy-o (adv.) under billy-o, n.
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] I’ll drag you out in the buff and show the world that skanky arse!at buff, n.1
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] Don’t even think about that, because I’ll burst your face wide open if you’re lying to me.at burst, v.1
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] Leave her to me [...] I’m the one calling the shots.at call the shots (v.) under call, v.
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] He placed the cup in front of her. ‘Nice cup of char, eh’.at cha, n.1
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] ‘It’s [i.e. a piece of jewelry] just a cheapie,’ said McCormack.at cheapie, n.
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] I want to know what they had for breakfast the day Urquhart copped it.at cop it, v.
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] A holiday? You think that’s going to cut it, Bob?at cut it, v.3
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] She was a sweet wee thing — a cutie, his wife would say.at cutie, n.1
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] The usual hubbub of hangers-on and dicks-in-the-wind.at dick-in-the-wind (n.) under dick, n.1
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] They’re going to check a few hacks’ drinkers.at drinker, n.
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] You hold onto that fag, doll [...] I’ll fire up a new one for myself .at fag, n.3
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] You hold onto that fag, doll [...] I’ll fire up a new one for myself .at fire up, v.
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] A bad speed bump or a clipped kerb and he’d be forking out for a new one.at fork out, v.
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] She’s a drug-addled prostitute and you are her pimp who has form for beating the living daylights out of her.at form, n.1
2014 T. Black Artefacts of the Dead [ebook] Knox was in the frame then and I doubt he’s blameless now.at frame, n.2