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Oakland Tribune choose

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[UK] Oakland Trib. (CA) 4 Mar. 2/3: The new Court-house dome may stick out like a sore thumb, yet it is nevertheless ‘way up’.
at stick out like a sore thumb, v.
[UK] Oakland Trib. (CA) 19 June 3/1: In the Police Court [...] one unusually ‘soggy’ old drunk was fined $10.
at soggy, adj.
[UK] Oakland Trib. 10 Oct. 3/4: The foolish ‘beer-busts’ practiced by a few, and generally condemned by all sensible people.
at beer bust (n.) under beer, n.
[UK] Oakland Trib. (CA) 8 Mar. 1/4: Painting the town pink, which some have supposed to be the feminine form of painting the town red.
at paint the town pink (v.) under paint, v.
[UK] Oakland Trib. (CA) 17 Sept. 10/1: The ‘Whyos’ [...] did not live in the street, but ‘hung out’.
at hang out, v.1
[UK] Oakland Trib. (CA) 17 Sept. 10/1: ‘He was hell wid his gun; used ter shoot till he could split der balls on a pin across the street’.
at hell, adj.
[UK] Oakland Trib. (CA) 17 Sept. 10/1: Poor old Bottle alley in Baxter street has become a mere snoozing ken for vagrants.
at snoozing ken, n.
[UK] Oakland Trib. (CA) 17 Sept. 10/1: ‘See ’em [...] there’ mugs for you [...] hard characters [...] thieves from the first ward — fellows that rob’.
at mug, n.1
[UK] Oakland Trib. (CA) 17 Sept. 10/2: ‘He’d be a-thinkin’ ho he could get a feller out of some snap’.
at snap, n.2
[US] Oakland Trib. (CA) 1 Nov. 12/3: ‘I’ll beat the stuffing out of you,’ is the response Curtain is alleged to have made.
at beat the stuffing out of (v.) under stuffing, n.1
[UK] Oakland Trib. (CA) 9 May 25/1: He was ghastly pale and in the parlance of the police reporter was then set down for a ‘dope-head’.
at dopehead (n.) under dope, n.1
[UK] Oakland Trib. (CA) 18 May 3/2: The chief said that Flannery had nothing to do with the appointment of farrell on the bunko squad.
at bunco squad (n.) under bunco, n.
[UK] Oakland Trib. (CA) 12 Dec. 6: They’re going to bring ’em over here—zillions of ’em.
at zillion, n.
[UK] Oakland Trib. (CA) 3 Dec. 5/4: He came down hard, ker-thump.
at kerthump! (excl.) under ker-, pfx
[UK] Oakland Trib. 9CA) 21 Oct. 22/4: When you’ve kicked the grape around / Till you’re dizzy in the dome; / And you shake a nasty hoof / On your cork-screw way home.
at shake a wicked leg (v.) under shake, v.
[US] Oakland Trib. 13 Apr. 1/2: If you lay down the boffo for that, I’ll give that flatwheeler the air, and then I’ll be your twist.
at twist (and twirl), n.
[US] Oakland Trib. 13 Apr. 1/2: That bus is sure the cat’s pajamas. Any Barlow who wouldn't be goofy about it is a dumb dora for fair.
at Barlow, n.
[US] Oakland Trib. 13 Apr. 1/2: If you lay down the boffo for that, I’ll give that flatwheeler the air, and then I’ll be your twist.
at boffo, n.1
[US] Oakland Trib. 13 Apr. 1/2: ‘You’ll be the Broosky [sic] boy with the wrinkle when you back that cart up to the home dump!
at Brooksey boy, n.
[US] Oakland Trib. 13 Apr. 1/2: ’[I]f you’ll promise you'll cart around no strikebreakers, I promise that I’ll never squirrel any mad money when we blouses around’.
at mad money (n.) under mad, adj.
[US] Oakland Trib. 13 Apr. 1/2: ’[I]f you’ll promise you'll cart around no strikebreakers, I promise that I’ll never squirrel any mad money when we blouses around’.
at strike breaker (n.) under strike, n.
[UK] Oakland Trib. (CA) 11 July 13/4: [headline] Bunco Squad Lands Alleged ‘Con’ Man.
at bunco squad (n.) under bunco, n.
[UK] Oakland Trib. 11 Mar. O7/1: In one city the used car department, separate from the salesrooms of a prominent dealer, disposed of a used car for S300 and the manager of that department congratulated himself upon having rid himself of a ‘lemon’ finally.
at lemon, n.
[UK] Oakland Trib. (CA) 13 June 20/4: The men coming from both ways [...] gave by constrast even the garb of a common soldier a degree of elegance that marked him for the lady’s part in the ordinary ‘stag dance’.
at stag dance (n.) under stag, adj.
[UK] Oakland Tribune (CA) 28 May 20/3: I’m just a sheiky junior and go around with about all the girls.
at sheiky (adj.) under sheik, n.1
[UK] Oakland Trib. (CA) 30 Apr. 3/2: An unprecedented stock of straws, panamas, and other varieties of cow breakfast hats.
at cow’s breakfast (n.) under cow, n.1
[UK] Oakland Tribune (CA) 20 Dec. 5/2: A pack horse had trotted up a gallon of giggle soup [...] and the elbow-benders were putting ona free-for-all.
at giggle soup (n.) under giggle, adj.
[UK] Oakland Tribune (CA) 20 Dec. 5/3: It was side-by-side until this morning, when they line up before the gavel and get the hot-spot.
at hot spot, n.
[UK] Oakland Tribune (CA) 20 Dec. 5/3: It was side-by-side until this morning, when they line up before the gavel and get the hot-spot.
at icebox, n.
[UK] Oakland Trib. (CA) 3 Mar. 6/4: We hung him and crashed into the covered wagon. We let out one squeeze on the howler then perambulated to the paternal abode.
at howler, n.
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