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Goulburn Evening Penny Post choose

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[Aus] Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW) 25 June 5: I trust ere long to breast the bar of the new hostelry, and imbibe of the flowing bowl.
at breast (up to), v.
[Aus] Goulburn Eve. Penny Post (NSW) 11 June 2/3: The young ladies of Gunnedah go in a ‘docker’ for skating.
at go in a docker (v.) under docker, n.1
[Aus] Goulburn Eve. Penny Post (NSW) 17 Feb. 4/5: ‘Brien’ says times must be getting bad, as he notices a good many doing ‘Jimmy Woodser’.
at Jimmy Woodser, n.
[Aus] Goulburn Eve. Penny Post (NSW) 8 Sep. 2/2: [Scottish speaker] ‘Ah!’ said Donald, taking a reflective pinch of sneeshin; ‘in that case I’ll enter action the morn for sax and a half pund, Scots, for damages, and sax maer for fright’.
at sax, n.
[Aus] Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW) 8 Apr. 2/3: [I]f there had not been a public meeting the people would have said it [i.e. a working men’s club] would be only a boozing shop; but [...] if they got to work in a proper way there would perhaps be more coffee than beer drunk.
at booze shop (n.) under booze, n.
[Aus] Goulburn Eve. Penny Post (NSW) 12 Mar. 2/5: The mildly-cured, hastily put up butter contained in those thousands of kegs [...] is now little better than ‘mildly cured’ cart grease, and quite unsaleable.
at cart-grease (n.) under cart, n.1
[Aus] Goulburn Eve. Penny Post (NSW) 21 May 3/2: With a scepter-like wave of her hand [...] and in a toploftical tone of voice, she said: ‘Relieve this mansion of your odious presence!’.
at top-loftical, adj.
[Aus] Goulburn Eve. Penny Post (NSW) 2 Aug. 2/5: Noonan, if he would kick more, would be ‘one out of the bag.’ He has plenty of speed and strength.
at one out of the bag, n.
[Aus] Goulburn Eve. Penny Post (NSW) 3 Dec. 6/5: [as 1864].
at bamboo baksheesh (n.) under bamboo, n.
[Aus] Goulburn Eve. Penny Post (NSW) 6 Dec. 8/3: [headline] I’LL HAVE YOU ON’ CR. O’BRIEN TALKS FIGHT Argument with Shire President Re Valuations.
at have someone on, v.2
[Aus] Goulburn Eve. Penny (NSW) 3 Jan. 1/6: They were a fast lot out there in Bueneos Ayres [...] she got into a tight corner, and her cousin, Mick Kennedy, he was a oner, if ever there was one.
at oner, n.
[Aus] Goulburn Eve. Penny Post (NSW) 17 Apr. 4/4: I saw a very natty household jumper the other day. It was worn by a smart flatite who does most of her own chores.
at flatite, n.
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