Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Daily Herald choose

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[US] Dly Herald (Brownsville, TX) 31 Oct. 2/2: One of these little beetle-headed, yoe necked, clabberbrained fellows.
at beetle-head (n.) under beetle, n.1
[US] Dly Herald (Brownsville, TX) 2 Mar. 2/2: ‘Bejabers, my friend,’ remarked Pat, ‘ ye shpoke too late!’.
at bejabers!, excl.
[US] Daily Herald (Brownsville, TX) 20 May 2/2: A few of the white caps should be decorated with white caps and hemp neckties.
at hempen cravat (n.) under hempen, adj.
[US] Dly Herald (Brownsville, TX) 18 Jan. 4/1: You took me for a country Johnny Raw with no more mother wit or courage than a porridge stick.
at Johnny Raw, n.
[US] Dly Herald (Brownsville, TX) 23 Jan. 4/3: The young quill driver audaciously claimed that a majority [...] were unionists.
at quill-driver (n.) under quill, n.1
[US] Dly Herald (Brownsville, TX) 27 Mar. 2/2: Things have come to a pretty pass when a travelling combination of pie-faced barn-stormers can practice ther art of confidence man on an innocent public.
at pie-faced, adj.
[US] Daily Herald (Brownsville, TX) 4 Oct. 2/3: Oh, for a racket, a riot, a fuss! Some one to come in and kick up a muss.
at raise a muss (v.) under muss, n.
[US] Dly Herald (Brownsville, TX) 12 Feb. 2/5: [He] never meets a friend without asking, ‘How does your constitutionality sagaciate?’.
at sagaciate, v.
[US] P. Griffiths ‘Touching Base With Your Partner’ in Daily Herald 16 July 🌐 You need to touch all bases in marriage for effective communication. It’s easy to skip one or more bases. They may not seem that important.
at touch all bases (v.) under touch, v.1
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