Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Daily Morning Astorian choose

Quotation Text

[US] Dly Astorian (OR) 11 Nov, 2/1: The parson [...] found on the table not a choice of a two-legged biped but a Cape Cod turkey - that is, a boiled salt cod-fish.
at Cape Cod turkey, n.
[US] Dly Astorian (OR) 5 Feb. 2/2: Some blarsted Yankees will take the initiative.
at blasted, adj.1
[US] Dly Astorian (OR) 9 Jan. 3/2: They contain more silver than the buzzard dollar and are bankable.
at buzzard, n.
[US] Dly Astorian (OR) 18 Oct. 2/1: The ignorant [...] dead beat whisky bloat, backwoods bummer.
at deadbeat, adj.
[US] Dly Astorian (OR) 18 Oct. 2/1: You mean, big-jawed, slab-sided, knock-kneed [...] pup.
at slab-sides (n.) under slab, n.
[US] Dly Astorian (OR) 18 Oct. 2/1: The ignorant [...] big-headed, soft-skulled, over-rated swamp angel who claims to edit the swamp paper.
at swamp-rat (n.) under swamp, n.
[US] Dly Morn. Astorian (OR) 31 Jan. 3/3: Villard threatened a disclosure [...] and rather than ‘call his hand’ he was given control of the corporation.
at call someone’s hand (v.) under call, v.
[US] Dly Morn. Astorian (OR) 8 Apr. 3/3: He is 74 years of aghe and would cut up fat.
at cut up fat (v.) under cut up, v.2
[US] Daily Morn. Astorian (Astoria, OR) 18 Mar. 1/1: The brass mounted minions of Yankeedoodledom made us a social call.
at Yankeedoodledom (n.) under Yankee Doodle, n.
[US] Dly Morn. Astorian (OR) 17 Feb. 2/1: Salvation is free but it costs like all get out to run a church.
at all get out, phr.
[US] Daily Morn. Astorian (Astoria, OR) 20 Jan. 3/1: The wind is blowing from the east cold enough the freeze the nose off a brass monkey.
at cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey, phr.
[US] Dly Morn. Astorian (OR) 31 Mar. 3/5: Jimmy approached [...] and yelled, ‘Rats, yer dago’.
at dago, n.
[US] Dly Morn. Astorian (OR) 24 Sept. 2/2: You may send in your curved balls and smash the leather in the nose to the right or left field.
at leather, n.
[US] Dly Morn. Astorian (OR) 24 Sept. 2/2: Chase the ball: aye, leg it until your ungodly heels beat a tattoo on your coat tails.
at leg it (v.) under leg, v.1
[US] Dly Morn. Astorian (OR) 28 Oct. 2/2: The New York and Indiana folks don’t care a continental imprecation whether Astroia has a railroad or not.
at continental, adj.
[US] Dly Morn. Astorian (OR) 20 Dec. 3/1: Till ten yesterday morning it was as dark as the inside of a cow.
at dark as the inside of a cow (adj.) under dark, adj.
[US] Daily Morn. Astorian (Astoria, OR) 23 Aug. 3/4: It was richly embroidered [...] and was hung all over with little jigamarees.
at jigamaree, n.
[US] Dly Morn. Astorian (OR) 11 June 1/4: Sambo, offspring of mulatto father [in Lima, Peru].
at sambo, n.1
[US] Dly Morn. Astorian (OR) 13 Dec. 2/4: On that you can bet your gig-lamps.
at bet one’s buttons (v.) under bet, v.
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