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A Comparative Study of Urban Black Argot choose

Quotation Text

[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 137: F-40s 1½ grains of ‘Seconal’ (so called because the Eli Lilly drug company stamps this particular barbiturate with the identifying letter and number ‘F40’).
at F-40, n.
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 143: Me and You a challenge to a fight.
at me and you, phr.
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 133: to Base On Someone, to verbally disparage.
at base, v.1
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 144: Ride Pussy / Punk / the Bitch’s Seat to ride in the front of the car between two other males.
at ride bitch (v.) under bitch, n.1
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 142: Main Whore [...] ii. a pimp’s number one money-making prostitute.
at main bitch, n.
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 142: Main Stuff one’s best friend; one’s primary girl friend.
at main bitch, n.
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 142: Main Whore i. one’s main woman — sexually, romantically or both.
at main bitch, n.
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 133: a Blade i. a Cadillac, particularly a Coup de Ville or Fleetwood ii. any large, late model car.
at blade, n.
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 143: Put Her on the Block to have a female working for one as a prostitute.
at put someone on the block (v.) under block, n.8
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 135: Cock Block to interfere with a male’s attempt to ‘win over’ a female, even if the other male is not interested in the female himself.
at cock block, v.
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 133: Blow On Someone i. to monopolize a conversation with the intensity and longevity of your comments.
at blow, v.1
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 133: Blow On Someone ii. to verbally ‘put down’ another person.
at blow, v.1
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 133: Blow On Someone i. to be particularly aggressive verbally with another, esp. a female.
at blow, v.1
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 134: Blunts 1. diluted capsules of ‘Seconal’ ii. any ‘black market’ barbiturate.
at blunt, n.3
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 139: Get Some Bootie i. to have sexual intercourse with a female.
at get some booty (v.) under booty, n.2
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 139: Get Some Bootie [...] ii. to have anal intercourse, esp. with another male.
at get some booty (v.) under booty, n.2
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 139: Get Some Eye / Brown Eye to have anal intercourse, particularly with another male.
at get some brown eye (v.) under brown eye, n.
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 134: Bullets, Bulletheads i.e. large capsules of ‘Seconal’ ii. any barbiturate in bullet-headed capsule form.
at bullet, n.2
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 134: Cap out to pass out or fall asleep from excessive marijuana or pills.
at cap out under cap, n.4
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 137: Down on Someone’s Case to verbally harass someone.
at get on someone’s case (v.) under case, n.1
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 135: Chicago Green, a particular type of marijuana.
at Chicago black (n.) under Chicago, adj.
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 135: Chickenhead a female with short-cropped hair; any unkempt, unattractive female.
at chickenhead, n.1
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 135: Chickenhead a female with short-cropped hair; any unkempt, unattractive female.
at chickenhead, n.1
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 135: Chuck to eat.
at chuck, v.3
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 141: If You Feel Froggish / Froggy (Take a) Leap a challenge to fight: ‘if you think you can beat me, come ahead’.
at come ahead (v.) under come, v.1
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 137: Dubee a marijuana cigarette.
at doobie, n.1
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 139: Go Down to help a friend when he is in trouble, esp. when a fight is imminent.
at go down, v.
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 139: Get Down to do whatever one is going to do, esp. fight, have sexual intercourse, dance, take pills or smoke marijuana.
at get down, v.2
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 139: Get Some Duke / Duke Shoot to have anal intercourse, particularly with another male.
at get some duke (v.) under duke, n.3
[US] E. Folb Urban Black Argot 138: Fried, Dyed and Combed to the Side a Black person’s hair that has been straightened and styled in emulation of the white man.
at fried, dyed, laid to the side, adj.
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