Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 10 Jan. 7/5: Some fellows [...] offered me £2 to let the thing drop, but they kept messing me about, and in the end I got nothing.
at mess about, v.
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 31 Jan. 11/8: If Ah Tye’s mistress had not put on the acid too much my client would have made good the damages.
at put the acid on (v.) under acid, n.2
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 10 Jan. 6/3: They were wrestling on the footpath, signing out, and acting the goat.
at act the (giddy) goat, v.
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 3 Jan. 3/5: For a stone-broker to apply to the heads of the fashionable religious sects for relief when he is ‘up against it’ would be about as commonensical as anything that can be imagined — over the left.
at up against, phr.
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 31 Jan. 6/1: Boskerino! Cush, and all sigarnio, my oath!
at all Sir Garnet, phr.
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 31 Jan. 7/3: [headline] Frolics at Freshwater [...] Tango and Tummy-Rub in the Altogether.
at altogether, the, n.
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 24 Jan. 11/6: [headline] May Migrates With Burdett’s Block and Tackle [...] May Brown [...] was charged with stealing Albert’s watch and handkerchief.
at block and tackle, n.1
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 31 Jan. 5/6: Then if So-and-So are willing, / And his are a married life [etc].
at so-and-so, n.
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 3 Jan. 5/2: This Pooh-bah business could not, of course, yield but the rottenest results.
at pooh-bah, n.
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 10 Jan. 11/5: If old baldhead is at their elbow [...] the chances are he is ogling their curves from behind.
at baldhead, n.
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 7 Feb. 10/6: [headline] The Double Banker [...] Every day we see him growing / Big monopolistic fraud.
at double-bank, v.
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 7 Feb. 7/3: ‘Your wife is on the streets battling and earning money for a loafer like you.’ [...] Kendall’s wife [...] said Holford and his wife had often accused her of being a ‘battler’.
at battle, v.
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 3 Jan. 6/5: A brazen, bucolic ‘beaut’ of 22, the daughter of a well-known cocky.
at beaut, n.1
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 3 Jan. 11/3: [headline] Deodata Dazed. Brutally Biffed and Battered.
at biff, v.
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 17 Jan. 4/8: The man who doesn’t go through the world eternally looking for agument or biff.
at biff, n.1
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 31 Jan. 11/1: [headline] Not a Grand Duchess But a Street Bilker — Cobber of ‘Corned Beef Maud’.
at bilk, v.
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 7 Feb. 12/5: The black-birders of the South Seas are taking advantage of the unfortunate terror-stricken volcano-cursed natives to capture them.
at blackbirder, n.
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 3 Jan. 11/5: At this stage [...] Constable Davies blew up [...] laid hold of Mick and lugged him off to limbo.
at blow in, v.2
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 28 Mar. 12/6: It were blown on by a slavey / Who did levvy of blackmail.
at blow, v.1
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 3 Jan. 10/5: [headline] Brutal Bludger Boobed.
at bludger, n.
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 3 Jan. 11/5: he was blue, blind, speechless, paralytic drunk.
at blue, adj.2
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 3 Jan. 4/2: A disinclination to ‘move on’ to as great a degree as a bounding bluebottle thinks fit.
at bluebottle, n.
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 10 Jan. 10/5: Shelp me Aaron! / Vere as dem dere dimmuns gone?
at s’elp me bob!, excl.
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 17 Jan. 4/8: [headline] Concerning Those Raucous-Voiced Boo-hoos Who Seek to Stifle Political Spruikers.
at boo-hoo, n.
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 3 Jan. 10/5: [headline] Brutal Bludger Boobed.
at boob, v.1
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 21 Feb. 12/6: She gets three months in the Booby.
at booby, n.3
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 10 Jan. 9/3: [headline] Bella Bolts With The Boodle But is Grabbed by Gabriel.
at boodle, n.1
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 17 Jan. 5/4: In an effort to knock out the boodling landlord, he advocates a fair rent system.
at boodle, v.1
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 31 Jan. 2/6: While the scare lasted the boodlers thought they might as well make as much of it as they could.
at boodler, n.
[Aus] Truth (Melbourne) 31 Jan. 6/1: Boskerino! Cush, and all sigarnio, my oath!
at bosker, adj.
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