1728 Derby Mercury 10 Oct. 2/3: Great Cry and little Wool — is now become, / The Plague and Proverb of the Weavers Loom. / No Wooll to work on, neither Weft, nor Warp, / Their Pockets empty, and their Stomachs sharp.at wool, n.1
1729 Derby Mercury 17 Apr. 2/1: [He] saw something black, which put him in a dreadful Panic; however, recovering himself, he gave it so stout a Blow with an Oaken Towel [...] that he fell’d it at his feet.at oaken towel, n.
1730 Derby Mercury 14 Jan. 3/2: ‘List of Officers which are established in the most notorious Gaming Houses [...] Common Bail, Affidavit Men, Ruffins, Bravoes, Assassins, cum multis aliis.at bail, n.
1730 Derby Mercury 14 Jan. 3/2: ‘List of Officers which are established in the most notorious Gaming Houses [...] Common Bail, Affidavit Men, Ruffins, Bravoes, Assassins, cum multis aliis.at bravo, n.
1730 Derby Mercury 14 Jan. 3/2: ‘List of Officers which are established in the most notorious Gaming Houses [...] 12th. A captain, who is to fight any gentleman who is peevish for losing his money.at captain, n.
1730 Derby Mercury 14 Jan. 3/2: ‘List of Officers which are established in the most notorious Gaming Houses [...] A Flasher, to swear how often the Bank has been stripped.at flasher, n.1
1730 Derby Mercury 14 Jan. 3/2: ‘List of Officers which are established in the most notorious Gaming Houses [...] An Attorney, a Newgate Solicitor.at Newgate solicitor (n.) under Newgate, n.
1730 Derby Mercury 14 Jan. 3/1: ‘List of Officers attached to Gaming-houses’ [...] 4. Two Puffs, who have Money given them to decoy others to play.at puff, n.
1730 Derby Mercury 14 Jan. 3/2: ‘List of Officers which are established in the most notorious Gaming Houses [...] Common Bail, Affidavit Men, Ruffins, Bravoes, Assassins, cum multis aliis.at ruffian, n.1
1730 Derby Mercury 14 Jan. 3/1: ‘List of Officers attached to Gaming-houses’ [...] 4. Two Puffs, who have Money given them to decoy others to play [...] 6. A Squib is a Puff of a lower rank, who serves at half Salary, while he is learning to deal.at squib, n.1
1732 Derby Mercury 28 Sept. 3/1: A Parcel of thimble-men [...] decoyed him out of about 10l.at thimble cove, n.
1733 Derby Mercury 1 Feb. 2/1: A common Woman of the Town picked up a Country Grasier near Fleet-ditch and robbed him of 100 Guineas .at pick up, v.
1733 Derby Mercury 8 Feb. 2/1: ‘What Cheer Finch?’ ‘Prety [sic] Cheer indeed,’ says I, ‘You have made a fine piece of Work of it! your boy is dead’.at piece of work (n.) under piece, n.
1734 Derby Mercury 7 Nov. n.p.: Sir Robert used to go [...] to the Tavern, order a Supper, and run up a Score of 18 or 20s.at run up a score (v.) under score, n.3
1735 Derby Mercury 18 Dec. 2/1: ’Tis further buzz’d about in that City that Prince Eugene was soon expected there.at buzz, v.1
1735 Derby Mercury 3 July 4/1: The jockey [...] swore the Horse was not worth a shilling; for he was a Roarer.at roarer, n.
1737 Derby Mercury 17 Nov. 2/2: They were attacked by three footpads [...] They were very civil to the Gentlemen. One of them pulled a Bottle of Gin out of his Pocket and asked them if they would please bung their eyes with them.at bung one’s eye (v.) under bung, v.1
1737 Derby Mercury 29 Sept. 2/2: Sir, Please Lay forty Pounds in Money Under Your threstle and Set no watch tomorrow Night [...] If you Setta Watch wee will kill you [...] From Your Bloody Enemey L.B. Never be afraid Boys wee will do this Job a hell-fired Rogue,. Dated the 19 January 1745 [sic].at hell-fired (adj.) under hell, n.
1738 Derby Mercury 6 Apr. 1/1: A Tragi-Comical Farce [...] Written orginally in Hebrew and translated by Solomon Bung Your Eyees, Gent.at bung one’s eye (v.) under bung, v.1
1740 Derby Mercury 4 Dec. 2/3: William Dewell (mention’d in our last to have been hanged at Tyburn, but since come to life again).at Tyburn, n.
1741 Derby Mercury 11 Feb. 4/2: Mrs Catherine Evans who was condemned [...] for poisoning her Husband and whose Execution was respited on pleading her Belly, was to be burnt yesterday.at belly plea (n.) under belly, n.
1747 Derby Mercury 10 July 2/2: They would only require us to believe that the Parings of a Cucumber are a Leg of Mutton, and that a Pot of Piss is a Mug of Strong Beer.at piss, n.
1748 Derby Mercury 3 Feb. 1/2: I am sure we deserved it, for we lived at short Allowance [...] short Allowance of Grog was the worst of all.at grog, n.1
1750 Derby Mercury 1 Feb. 3/1: A Bill will be brought into Parliament [...] to reduce the Numbner of Public Places [...] debauching and corrupting the Morals of the Youth and things of much greater consequence than the pleasing of a Beau, a Fribble or a Flash.at fribble, n.
1754 Derby Mercury 6 Sept. 3: D’ye think, cry’d the Sempstress, I’ll take thee for a Spouse / One whom no one esteems at three Skips of a Louse? / [...] / A Taylor is but the ninth Part of a Man.at ninth part of a man, n.
1754 Derby Mercury 6 Sept. 3: Tho’ small was his Wit, he so acted his Part / That (I know not how ’twas) he cabbag’d her Heart.at cabbage, v.1
1758 Derby Mercury 17 Feb. 1/3: The Lands within the Moratta Ditch all round Calcutta [...] and six hundred Yards all round the Ditch, I will give entirely to the [East India] Company.at Ditch, the, n.1
1759 Derby Mercury 8 June 1/3: Large Stones and smaller Pebbles were flung up [and] the House was thus battered with Beggars Bullets.at beggar’s bullets (n.) under beggar, n.