Green’s Dictionary of Slang

mother- n.

As a semi-euph. for motherfucker n.

In compounds

mother-bugger (also mugger-bugger)(S.Afr./US)
[US] in J.H. Clarke Harlem, USA 179: Burn the mother-bugger down.
[SA]P. Hotz Muzukuru 367: If Mr Mugger-bugger and old Fatso won’t stop fighting the West will come in and clean them up in a week.
mother-feryer (US)
[[US]M. McCoy in Leadbitter & Slaven Blues Records (1968) 513: [song title] Dirty Mother For You.].
[US]Mezzrow & Wolfe Really the Blues 4: And it was in Pontiac that I dug that Jim Crow man in person, a motherferyer that would cut your throat for looking. [Ibid.] 16: They’d cut your nuts out for lookin’, where those motherferyers come from.
[US](con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 247: Some of your folks’ leaders called on the President down in Washington and demanded that colored soldiers be allowed to die with dignity [...] Now ain’t that a mother-fer-ya?
[US]R.A. Wilson Playboy’s Book of Forbidden Words.
mother-flicker (US)
A.M. Greeley Summer at the Lake 437: ‘Mother flicker’, one of them grunted, hitting me in the gut.
E. Palfrey Price of Passion 236: Don’t threaten me, mother flicker, unless you really mean it.
mother-flunker (US)
Poem-Cees 5 Sept. [blog] Delayed reaction is a motherflunker. The insanity that is the disappearance of State and Metro is just now hitting me.
motherfrig(g)er [frig v. (1)] (US)
[US]R. Ellison ‘Harlem’ 1: How you get so bad? Why you poor Brooklyn motherfriger, I’ll wreck this goddam place with you.
mother-fuyer (US)
[US]Memphis Minnie McCoy ‘Dirty Mother For You’ in Oliver Screening the Blues (1968) 232: He’s a dirty mother fuyer, he don’t mean me no good, / He got drunk this morning, tore up the neighborhood.
[US]Nelson Wilborn ‘Dirty Mother Fuyer’ in Oliver Screening the Blues (1968) 242: Grandpa tol’ grandma last year / Got too old for to shift your gear, / You’s stiff mother fuyer don’t you know.
[US]R. Christgau Village Voice (N.Y.) 5 Apr. 🌐 In 1980, he was a 65-year-old mother fuyer.
mother-grabber (US)
[US]J. Blake letter 7 Sept. in Joint (1972) 221: You set me up, mother-grabber.
[US]I. Reed Free-Lance Pallbearers 34: Dippyduk goofy mother-grabber!
[US]H. Rawson Dict. of Invective (1991) 258: The degree of outrage was evidenced by the number of euphemisms that were devised for the expression, e.g., granny-jazzer, mammy-jammer, mommy-hopper, mother-grabber, mother-jumper, and mother-lover, among others.
motherhead (US)
D. Quammen Walk the Line 85: You crazy-ass mother-head, what-choo doin’? [HDAS].
[US]‘Heat Moon’ Blue Highways 101: They be worse than a honky pig. Those black motherheads’ll manhandle you.
mother-hopper (also momma-hopper)(US)
[US]E. Torres Carlito’s Way 80: They kept the guns too. Mother-hoppers.
[US]E. Torres Q&A 183: Maybe they’re gonna set me up. Mother hopper.
[US]Maledicta 1 (Summer) 11: There is also a whole lesser spectrum of obviously burlesque and mocking synonyms for the same thing, such as granny-jazzer, mammy-jammer, momma-hopper, and poppa-lopper. These are used to raise a laugh, not to start a fight.
mother-hubber (also mother hubbard)(orig. US)
[US]A. Anderson ‘Big Boy’ in Lover Man 53: Said the monkey to the lion / In the woods one day, / There’s a BAD motherhubber / Down the road a way.
[US]A. Anderson ‘Dance of the Infidels’ in Lover Man 157: Them square mother-hubbers drug me so terrible I had to put that down.
[US]G. Smitherman Black Talk 163: Mother Hubbard euphemism for muthafucka.
mother-hugger (US)
[US]Billie Holiday Lady Sings the Blues (1975) 84: A faggot was a faggot; a dike was a dike; a mother-hugger was a mother-hugger [...] a mother-hugger was somebody who wasn’t adjusted and had problems.
mother-humper (also mother-hump) [hump v.1 ] (US)
[US]T. Doulis Path for Our Valour 81: Death, I think, you mother-humper.
[US]C. Durden No Bugles, No Drums 95: This mother-humper had feet as long as my legs.
[US]J. Stanley World War III (1979) 216: Clean out that mother hump.
[US]E. Torres After Hours 168: He ain’t gettin’ none, why should you. Mother humpers.
[US]S. King Cujo (1982) 86: I bet that motherhumper [a large dog] went two hundred pounds.
[US](con. 1964–8) J. Ellroy Cold Six Thousand 82: Running fire with one baaaad mother humper.
mother-jiver [jive v.1 (1)] (US)
[US]Esquire Nov. 70J: mother jiver: someone who cons or fools. Lately has taken on an affectionate meaning and even a term of praise. Example: a bad mother jiver is an excellent musician.
mother-jumper (also mother-jump) [jump v. (1a)] (US)
[US]‘Hal Ellson’ Duke 89: All right now, mother-jumpers, talk!
[US]‘Hal Ellson’ Tomboy (1952) 14: It was that no good mother-jumper that owns the store.
[US]‘Hal Ellson’ Golden Spike 22: What mother-jumpers you been listening to?
[US]‘Hal Ellson’ ‘Cool Cat’ in Tell Them Nothing (1956) 73: A big popeyed crazy-looking motherjumper comes flying out.
[US](con. 1958) R. Farina Been Down So Long (1972) 85: David, baby [...] you old benevolent motherjumper, I love you!
[US]P. Thomas Down These Mean Streets (1970) ix: I wanna tell ya I’m here — you bunch of mother-jumpers — I’m here, and I want recognition, whatever that mudder-fuckin word means. [Ibid.] 86: Do me a favor, you motherfuckin’ paddy, get back with your people. [...] I hate all your white motherjumps.
[US]R.A. Wilson Playboy’s Book of Forbidden Words.
[US]H. Rawson Dict. of Invective (1991) 258: The degree of outrage was evidenced by the number of euphemisms that were devised for the expression, e.g., granny-jazzer, mammy-jammer, mommy-hopper, mother-grabber, mother-jumper, and mother-lover, among others.
[US] (ref. to c.1967) L. Cleveland Dark Laughter 143: One of them [a song] is ‘The Great Big Loudmouth Mother Jumper’.
[US]D. Winslow ‘Paradise’ in Broken 272: The leader is a cold, cool mother-jumper.
mother-lover (US)
[US]L. Brown Iron City 69: ‘And as for that mother-lover –’ he thumbed in the direction of the guard.
[US](con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 278: All right, you little goldbricking mother-lover, let’s get on the ball.
[US]S. Yurick Warriors (1966) 91: Don’t talk to me like I was a whore. Man, I’ll show you who’ll get fucked, mother-lover.
[US]H. Rawson Dict. of Invective (1991) 258: The degree of outrage was evidenced by the number of euphemisms that were devised for the expression, e.g., granny-jazzer, mammy-jammer, mommy-hopper, mother-grabber, mother-jumper, and mother-lover, among others.
mother-plugger [plug v.1 (1a); note the 1929 cit. is the earliest recorded instance of motherfucker n. or its euphs] (US)
[US]C. McKay Banjo 229: I’ve been made a fool of by many a skirt, but it’s the first time a mother-plugger done got me like this.
mother-raper (US black)
[US]C. Himes Imabelle 56: ‘That mother raper has done picked my pocket’.
[US]C. Himes Run Man Run (1969) 8: Every time I get ready to put out the garbage, some white mother-raper comes by [...] looking for trouble.
[US]C. Himes Blind Man with a Pistol (1971) 92: Them mother-rapers upstairs know about it.
mother-rubber (US)
W. Overgard Hero 164: Motherrubber! My head! It feels like it’s been drop-kicked [HDAS].

As a semi-euph. for motherfucking adj.

In compounds

mother-eating (US)
[UK](con. 1940s) D. MacCuish Do Not Go Gentle (1962) 115: You mother-eating fairies —! [Ibid.] 117: The lousiest drag-ass bunch of mother-eatin’ piss-drinkin’ fart sack-lovin’ pack of homos I ever seed.
motherfeeling (US black)
[US]P. Crump Burn, Killer, Burn! 66: Eight big iron men all shot to hell and gone, ’cause an old dingy bastard wanted to impress a mother-feeling bishop.
mother-flunking (US)
‘Superlevel’ posting 8 Oct. at 🌐 this game is the mother flunking shiznet!!
motherfreying (US)
[US]S. Longstreet Flesh Peddlers (1964) 48: There were various ways of labeling clients: a no-good sonofabitch was only topped at times by a mother-freying-blank-blank.
motherfrigging (US)
[UK](con. 1940s) D. MacCuish Do Not Go Gentle (1962) 185: That’s how I’m treated in this mother-friggin’ lash-up.
L. Dawson The Spy Who Came... 38: Did our guy kill the mother-friggin’ crappy commie [...] Those mother friggin’ sons of bitches.
mother-grabbing (US)
[US]J.C. Holmes Horn 68: Those mother-grabbin’ slacks you sold me yesterday.
[US]T. Williams Night of the Iguana Act III: Oh, my God, the money. They haven’t paid the mother-grabbin’ bill.
[US]R. Serling ‘Showdown with Rance McGrew’ in New Stories from the Twilight Zone 67: Some jumbled colloquy that sounded like ‘Areyououtofyourmothergrabbingmind?’.
[US](con. WWII) J. Jones Thin Red Line (1963) 58: He’s a jerkoff. A mothergrabbing jerkoff.
[US]Playboy Mar. 92: ‘Out of your mother-grabbing mind,’ Joanne said [HDAS].
mother hubbard (also mutha-hubbard)(orig. US)
[US]Kerouac On the Road (The Orig. Scroll) (2007) 235: We’ve suddenly come into fairytale route one in the mother hubbard woods.
[UK]John Lennon ‘Gimme Some Truth’ 🎵 No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of Tricky Dicky / Is gonna Mother Hubbard soft soap me.
[UK]Guardian Guide 1–6 Jan. 18: I’m mutha-hubbard outta here!
mother-humping (US)
[US]R. Gover One Hundred Dollar Misunderstanding 22: He so fishfry flush he kin hardly git his mothahhumpin hands roun that wad!
[US]H. Rhodes Chosen Few (1966) 105: He got pissed and told Blood he wanted satisfaction ... you hip t’that? That mother-humpin’ fuckoff wanted satisfaction.
[US]C. Loken Come Monday Morning 51: He scored every [...] motherhumpin’ point!!
[US]W. Diehl Sharky’s Machine 110: I got to wonder how in hell he ever got tied in with that mother-humping piece of camelshit.
[US]W.T. Vollmann You Bright and Risen Angels (1988) 50: [The] horse hadn’t been worth the motherhumping feed.
[UK]Indep. on Sun. Travel 9 Jan. 5: Sonofabitch mother-humping low-down goddam bastard.
mother-loving (also mammy-loving)(US)
[US]‘W. Williams’ Enemy 149: Oh, those foggers. Those mother-loving foggers [OED].
[US]E. Hunter ‘See Him Die’ in Jungle Kids (1967) 103: He didn’t get out of that mother-lovin’ cellar.
[US]B. Schulberg On the Waterfront (1964) 306: You’re a cheap, lousy, dirty, stinkin’ mother-lovin’ bastard.
[UK]W. Talsman Gaudy Image (1966) 30: Yeah, some real mammy-lovin’ goddamn cheap tinhorn place.
[US]R. Russell Sound 285: Red really blew his mother-lovin’ soul on that one.
[US](con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 13: I want all of you [...] come down these steps and out to the formation on the mother-loving two.
[US](con. 1940s) M. Dibner Admiral (1968) 251: Hello, world [...] Kiss my mother-loving ass.
[US]C. Hiaasen Skin Tight 205: Stick it right in his motherloving face.
mother-raping (US black)
[US]C. Himes Imabelle 16: [T]hinking of how he could drive that goddam DeSoto taxicab straight off the mother-raping earth.
[UK](con. 1940s) D. MacCuish Do Not Go Gentle (1962) 202: That queer’s really a first class A-1 mother-rapin’ gutless wonder of a horse’s ass!
[US]C. Himes Rage in Harlem (1969) 57: Leave me see that mother-rapin’ roll.
[US]C. Himes Blind Man with a Pistol (1971) 75: If you so worried about his mother-raping chick, why don’t you go and see her?
mother-sucking (US)
[US](con. c.1900) J. Thompson King Blood (1989) 30: Mothersuckin’ turd, grannygobbler, jismeater, screwing little shit.

As other euphs.

In compounds

mother-hugging (n.)

(US) a euph. for a putative lit. n. motherfucking, i.e. incestuous intercourse.

‘Wisdom Goof’ ‘My Mp3’ Wisdom Goof 🌐 Nirvana – End. In which Kurt & co tackle the Doors’ Oedipal opus and waffle on about Belgian waffles instead of addressing the thorny questions of parricide and motherhugging.

In exclamations