1993 G. Disher Deathdeal [ebook] Stolle’s bread-and-butter income came from process serving and debt collection.at bread-and-butter, adj.
1993 G. Disher Deathdeal [ebook] Logan City was thirty minutes away and it was the arse-end of the world.at arse-end, n.
1993 G. Disher Deathdeal [ebook] [A] Melanesian whose forefathers had been dragged to Queensland by blackbirders.at blackbirder, n.
1993 G. Disher Deathdeal [ebook] They knew all about her and what had happened. ‘What a bringdown,’ someone called.at bringdown, n.
1993 G. Disher Deathdeal [ebook] ‘Are you sure you want to do this? I’ [...] ‘There’s a buck in it’.at buck, n.3
1993 G. Disher Deathdeal [ebook] ‘Got scared, did a bunk, buggered if I know’.at buggered if I know under buggered, adj.1
1993 G. Disher Deathdeal [ebook] ‘They’ll laugh in my face. I’d be busted back to uniform duty’.at bust, v.1
1993 G. Disher Deathdeal [ebook] ‘I used to run with some hard cases when I was young’.at hard case, n.
1993 G. Disher Deathdeal [ebook] When rumours first surfaced that things were crook in the National Safety Council [etc].at crook, adj.
1993 G. Disher Deathdeal [ebook] ‘[U]ppers, downers, some marijuana to sprinkle in my roll-your-own tobacco’.at downer, n.5
1993 G. Disher Deathdeal [ebook] ‘Femming it up, showing her tits off’.at fem it (up) (v.) under femme, n.
1993 G. Disher Deathdeal [ebook] ‘You fem it up around here and you won’t last five minutes’.at fem it (up) (v.) under femme, n.
1993 G. Disher Deathdeal [ebook] Maybebe he could get this gook [i.e. a Malaysian] to see reason.at gook, n.3