at jack-a-dandy, n.
at up a tree, phr.
at church a yack, v.
at guy-a-whack, v.
at abraham-man, n.
at abraham, v.
at floating academy, n.
at academy, n.
at ace of spades (n.) under ace, n.
at Adam’s ale (n.) under Adam, n.
at adam tiler, n.
at added to the list, phr.
at afternoon farmer, n.
at agitate the communicator (v.) under agitate, v.
at have air and exercise (v.) under air, n.
at alderman in chains (n.) under alderman, n.
at alderman, n.
at Alec, the, n.
at catch ’em-alive, n.
at all-overish, adj.1
at all to pieces, adj.
at all to pieces, adv.
at all there, adj.
at all-rounder, n.
at all my eye, phr.
at all-overish, adj.2
at alls, n.
at amputate one’s mahogany, v.
at amuser (n.) under amuse, v.
at dot and go one, v.
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