1856 Sheffield Dly Teleg. 26 Feb. 2/5: Were you not calling yourself Lord Dundas [...] and weren’t you as drunk as muck?at drunk as (a)..., adj.
1856 Sheffield Dly Teleg. 20 Dec. 3/2: The police had often tried [...] to prove him a ‘snaveller’.at snaveller (n.) under snavel, v.
1861 Sheffield Dly Teleg. 1 Apr. 3/2: We take a little war paint (regimentals) for the purpose of creating an imposing appearance, and we are going to rig the doctor in a staff uniform.at war-paint (n.) under war, n.
1865 Sheffield Dly Teleg. 12 Aug. 7/4: That which we call the devil’s-dung by any other name would stink as bad.at devil’s dung (n.) under devil, n.
1865 Sheffield Dly Teleg. 25 July 6/5: You can scratch down bets on horses you do not understand, and gabble in St Giles Greek about ‘making books’.at St Giles’s Greek (n.) under St Giles, n.
1865 Sheffield Dly Teleg. 23 Dec. 9/1: Dick Greasy [...] ax’d me if I’d mak one to goa a scrumpin, that is, fetchin’ apples off sumboddy’s trees .at scrump, v.1
1866 (ref. to early 18C) Sheffield Dly Teleg. 11 Sept. 7/2: In Colly Cibbr’s days the young beaux [...] invented wild oaths such as ‘Stap my vitals,’ ‘Burn my liver,’ and ‘Scorch me’.at burn my liver! (excl.) under burn, v.
1866 (ref. to early 18C) Sheffield Dly Teleg. 11 Sept. 7/2: In Colly Cibbr’s days the young beaux [...] invented wild oaths such as ‘Stap my vitals,’ ‘Burn my liver,’ and ‘Scorch me’.at stap my vitals!, excl.
1866 (ref. to early 18C) Sheffield Dly Teleg. 11 Sept. 7/2: In Colly Cibbr’s days the young beaux [...] invented wild oaths such as ‘Stap my vitals,’ ‘Burn my liver,’ and ‘Scorch me’.at scorch, v.
1868 Sheffield Dly Teleg. 29 Aug. 8/7: Storming a penny gaff in Limehouse [...] Mr Worrels, superintenadnt of the K division, made a rush on the notorious penny gaff and captured the proprietor.at rush, n.
1870 Sheffield Dly Teleg. 31 May 6/5: [T]he eighth [wicket] (Shaw) for 60; the ninth (Mr. Sutton), bowled all over the shop, for 64.at all over the shop under shop, n.1
1872 Sheffield Dly Teleg. 27 Jan. 6/7: About 30 females had come to him on the first day in ‘bull week’ and asked if overtime was to be worked.at calf week (n.) under calf, n.1
1872 Sheffield Daily Teleg. 5 Nov. 3/6: [tile] ‘On a Resurrectionist’. Here lies an honest man, my brothers, / Who raised himself by raising others.at resurrectionist (n.) under resurrection, n.
1873 Sheffield Dly Teleg. 22 Apr. 2/3: The First Minister was angry, and was wrong; but he then showed his cards .at show one’s cards (v.) under show, v.
1874 Sheffield Dly Teleg. 28 July 7/5: The assault was committed while the prisoner was being taken into custopdy. James endeavoured to ‘do a bolt’, and ran down Snighill.at do a bolt (v.) under bolt, n.1
1874 (ref. to 1812) Sheffield Dly Teleg. 22 Oct. 8/3: In September 1812 he writes [...] ‘I defy him to extort — that muffin-face of his into madness’.at muffin-face, n.
1875 Sheffield Dly Teleg. (Yorks.) 29 July 2/3: However unparliamentary it may be to characterise British shipowners as ‘villains,’ it is no use blinking the fact that some of them deserve the epithet.at blink, v.
1875 Sheffield Dly Teleg. 17 Apr. 2/5: The difference is about the same as that between a ‘tea fight’ and a ‘muffin struggle’.at bun-struggle (n.) under bun, n.3
1875 Sheffield Dly Teleg. 28 Dec. 3/3: They were despatched to a fairly even start, and at once set to work at a clipping pace.at clipping, adj.1
1875 Sheffield Dly Teleg. 18 Sept. 12/2: Mixed with the main army of sightseers there are at least a few thousand who belong of right to those forces which Carlyle terms ‘the Devil’s Regiment of the Line’.at devil’s regiment (n.) under devil, n.
1875 Sheffield Dly Teleg. 13 Aug. 3/7: He [was] threatened [...] with a hempen cravat, and the navigation of the Bosphorus in a sack.at hempen cravat (n.) under hempen, adj.
1875 Sheffield Dly Teleg. 18 Feb. 8/5: Horse Chaunting [...] he dragged the fraudulent horse-chaunter before a court of justice.at horse-chaunter (n.) under horse, n.
1875 Sheffield Dly Teleg. 3 Apr. 9/3: Sir Arthur Turner, Bart. A putty-nosed blaguad [sic].at putty-brained (adj.) under putty, n.
1875 Sheffield Dly Teleg. (Yorks.) 16 June 3/2: Our American Letter. Straightway Shoddydom apes these externals of the best families [...] This delusion will continue until you hear the loud, vulgar laugh and the nasal twang of Shoddydom.at shoddydom (n.) under shoddy, adj.
1876 Sheffield Dly Teleg. 5 May 4/4: Everything in or about the [Japanese] house is kept in the most ‘apple-pie’ ordert.at apple-pie order, n.
1876 Sheffield Dly Teleg. (Yorks.) 9 Mar. 5/2: The Oriental beggars who bother you for backsheesh are not greater persecutors of public patience than [etc.].at baksheesh, n.
1876 Sheffield Dly Teleg. 30 Aug. 3/4: An Amateur Bash-Bazouk in Sheffield. Edwin Newton [...] will be charged [...] with maliciously wounding Samuel Gill [...] and also with assaulting the police.at bashi-bazouk, n.
1876 Sheffield Dly Teleg. 9 Nov. 3/2: To his ‘firm pal,’ Jack, he bequeaths his favourite jemmy; to his ‘Rotty [sic] Cully,’ Bill, his ‘ticker,’ which he ‘bunged from the old cove on Denmark-hill; and to his ‘Leary Bloke,’ Bob, his unexpired ticket-of-leave.at bung, v.1
1876 Sheffield Dly Teleg. 9 Nov. 3/2: To his ‘firm pal,’ Jack, he bequeaths his favourite jemmy; to his ‘Rotty [sic] Cully,’ Bill, his ‘ticker,’ which he ‘bunged from the old cove on Denmark-hill; and to his ‘Leary Bloke,’ Bob, his unexpired ticket-of-leave.at cully, n.1