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The Scarlet City choose

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[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 56: I suppose that Napoleon Buttons is Mother B.’s aide-de-camp [...] and chief bottle-washer.
at chief cook and bottle-washer, n.
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 164: He was sick of kicking about Victoria.
at kick around, v.
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 105: We had succeeded in bagging Mrs Magoy’s favourite tortoiseshell.
at bag, v.
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 180: Bar chaff. [...] What do they do?
at bar, v.1
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 279: I felt quite sorry to go, when Carmichael suggested that it was time for Bedfordshire.
at Bedfordshire, n.
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 256: I’ll take my Bible oath I will.
at bible, n.
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 192: The Prowler was as hard as a stale roll, and stuck to the black diamonds.
at black diamonds (n.) under black, adj.
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 498: You’re simply a blidiot.
at blidiot, n.
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 401: Swelp me, Bob! but this is something like!
at s’elp me bob!, excl.
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 40: The Brummagem Beauty got his digits onto the Magpie’s boko.
at Brummagem, n.
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 112: ’Here’s your “bull”, Cocky,’ he added, tossing two half-crowns to Larkhall.
at bull, n.3
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 52: Drat my buttons but I depended on you.
at bless my buttons! (excl.) under button, n.1
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 63: Cut the cackle, Mrs B. [...] you’re going too many knots an hour.
at cut the cackle (v.) under cackle, n.
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 132: Anthony [...] finally decided upon a menu which he described as ‘prime cag-mag’.
at cagmag, n.
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 351: When you go flat-catching again, take your street whispers to the chickens in Rotten Row.
at flat-catching, n.
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 351: When you go flat-catching again, take your street whispers to the chickens in Rotten Row.
at chicken, n.
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 190: We’ll chin-chin over what’s to be done.
at chin, v.
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 280: A cruel shame, for nobody joined in the coalbox afterwards.
at coal-box (n.) under coal, n.1
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 351: Don’t you ever try and come the old soldier over me.
at come the old soldier (v.) under come the..., v.
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 109: The tarts melted, and presently red stains appeared on his spotlesd continuations.
at continuations, n.
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 348: He entered a dog once for the Cottonopolis handicap.
at Cottonopolis (n.) under cotton, n.
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 83: A scheme he attempted, of having a lending library of ‘cribs,’ to be issued to subscribers.
at crib, n.3
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 189: Your Uncle theobald has cut his lucky.
at cut one’s lucky (v.) under cut, v.2
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 21: He had us both in his grip before we could cut our cables.
at cut one’s cable (v.) under cut, v.2
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 212: I could see by the way in which he eyed your parcel pi.e of cash] that he’s death on getting to lot.
at death on, adj.
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 168: I never knew a devil-dodger yet who drew back his paw when offered a doubloon.
at devil-dodger (n.) under devil, n.
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 191: Then he began Dutch auctioneering and at last he let me off with half-a-thick ’un.
at Dutch auction (n.) under Dutch, adj.1
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 232: Hallo, Jack [...] you look fagged.
at fagged (out), adj.
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 86: Fizz, gooseberry, B. and S., gingerbeer, whisky, or sherbet?
at fizz, n.1
[UK] ‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 410: Their tittle-tattle, combined with his own ready wit, made the ‘flap-doodle’ [...] with which he fed the British public!
at flapdoodle, n.2
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