c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 50: Just a dumb kid stringing along with her smart guy boss.at string (along) with (v.) under string (along), v.
c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 20: If that big baboon reckons I pay him to brush me off for a floozie, he’s got a pay-roll comin’ to him that ain’t in dollar bills.at baboon, n.
c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 68: He felt a kind of pang about this dame being in bad with a devil like Marc Nolli.at in bad under bad, adj.
c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 10: What’s all this about me bein’ in the big stuff now?at big stuff (n.) under big, adj.
c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 89: ‘Which way are you headin’?’ ‘Uptown, boss. But I’m hired.’.at boss, n.2
c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 65: The busts never got reported and only the guy that ran the store knew that Max Gallo had done it.at bust, n.
c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 65: Max was a clever buster and ran his territory for the North Californian Personal Insurance Corporation by protection against busting rather than the more common slugging.at buster, n.1
c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 14: Finding that New York territory was already carved up by bigger shots than he, Marc wisely decided to seek his fortune elsewhere.at carve up, v.
c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 82: Rose [...] took it for granted that she could bump off Marc safely, although if Mickey did it he would get copped.at cop, v.
c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 13: Plenty of the dames had nothing to show but themselves and no audience bigger than a two hundred pound sugar-daddy.at sugar daddy, n.
c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 35: I c’n do ya five grand an’ quit, Donovan. I guess I’ve had it fer ’Frisco anyways.at do, v.1
c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 33: Baum was a dope. He was scared stiff and half-full of gin.at dope, n.2
c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 41: She was very different from the creamy-skinned baby-moll he was dropping.at drop, v.1
c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 53: You better start up a face pretty damn quick, or else.at face, n.
c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 21: Sure, I was hangin’ around waitin’ for the time to keep that fix with ya, boss.at fix, n.4
c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 66: I saw him ’smornin’ an’ what a geezer! He’s gotta curl-brim hat an’ soft white shoes an’ a suit like a railroad executive.at geezer, n.1
c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 13: It was no high-hat joint, but a sight smarter than anything icky was used to. [Ibid.] 62: Rose Flaherty was not the sort of dame to get high-hat just because a man looked at her.at high-hat, adj.
c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 20: Guess there ain’t a dame like that in all ’Frisco, an’ she’s hitchin’ on with Micky Donovan.at hitch (up), v.
c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 82: She went downtown that very next morning to see a guy she knew in the business of selling ironmongery, and demanded a gun.at ironmongery, n.
c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 19: Miky got a momentary picture of that full, soft body wrapped in a Jap silk kimono.at Jap, adj.
c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 93: I buy meself a cheap cigar sometimes, an’ put a ritz band on it for kid.at for kid under kid, n.2
c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 50: His arm was round her shoulders in a flash and he was holding her like it was a necking party.at necking party (n.) under necking, n.
c.1950 K. Howard Small Time Crooks 9: Micky was known around as ‘Dumb Donovan’ and it was kind of funny to see him played around by a dame.at play around (v.) under play, v.