1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 11: Jogy Grinder is a civilian – any lucky four-goddamn-F that’s laying up with your old lady and grinding her all night long while you’re away in the service.at 4-Fs, n.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 423: ‘You just take your finger out your ass and make that phone call,’ Samuels said. Solly said ‘Blow it out you “A” bag!’.at a, n.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 377: One of them was drunk as an owl.at drunk as a boiled owl, adj.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 290: I swear to God he’s drunk as a cooter.at drunk as a cootie, adj.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 313: It doesn’t amount to a hill of beans.at hill of beans, a, phr.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 427: She’s aces, mytes, and she’s full quid all the way.at aces, adj.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 448: They found three other MPs shooting dice [...] ‘Ada from Decatur!’ a little sawed-off MP pleaded.at Ada from Decatur, n.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 427: She’s aces, mytes, and she’s full quid all the way.at all the way, adv.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 427: ‘How’s about a little alleviation?’ [...] he took a bottle from his hip pocket.at alleviator, n.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 36: Well, kiss my ass in Macey’s window – I’ll be a rotten mama-jabber!at kiss my arse!, excl.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 29: You too educated for us dumb-ass colored soldiers.at dumb-ass, adj.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 34: I mean that stud was shaking ass!at shake one’s ass under ass, n.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 213: Take ten, men [...] take anything but a crap, we don’t have that much time to ass around.at ass around under ass, n.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 379: Scotty said, ‘Here’s looking at you.’.at here’s looking at you!, excl.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 12: He had had seven or eight B.M.s, with the latrine orderly standing there. [Ibid.] 312: All through this time when he wasn’t B.M.ing or scared to death, he was asking himself, Why am I here?at B.M., n.2
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 15: Think they can B.S. around for the whole damn duration. [Ibid.] 194: Solly and Worm were seated in the orderly room Bee-Essing.at b.s., v.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 52: Why don’t you loud-mouth Bee-Essers let somebody sleep? [Ibid.] 287: High-priest newspaper publishers and all the other Bee-Essers.at b.s.-er, n.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 201: I’m not the dentist. I’m strictly a back-door man.at back-door man (n.) under back-door, n.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 431: ‘Uptya!’ a digger shouted. ‘Bash it upya!’.at bash it up you! (excl.) under bash, v.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 179: You could be really truly my better half.at better half, n.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 268: You’re too goddamn biggedy!at biggity, adj.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 247: Man, I’m telling you, these people a bitch on wheels.at bitch-on-wheels (n.) under bitch, n.1
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 70: I want you fellows to open up [...] Let this be the bitching hour.at bitching, n.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 380: Both of these Yankee bastards’re boiled, and we don’t allow strong drinks in here. [Ibid.] 420: Samuels was just about half boiled already.at boiled, adj.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 420: And how was the chief boss-cocky?at boss cocky (n.) under boss, n.2
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 326: They had sat late at night [...] drinking coffee and batting the breeze.at bat the breeze (v.) under breeze, n.1
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 15: If he ain’t no sergeant you sure ain’t no corporal, so get up off it, you bubble-eyed punk. [Ibid.] 45: Tell him what I say, Solly. Tell this bubble-eyed fool something.at bubbleheaded, adj.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 14: You ain’t hardly a buck-ass private.at buck-assed (adj.) under buck, n.1
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 68: He’s telling you right, Bucket-head. [Ibid.] 133: I told that bucket-head bastard.at buckethead (n.) under bucket, n.
1962 (con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 340: Come on, Sergeant Solly, you know I was just bull-jiving.at bull-jive, v.