1935 S. Kingsley Dead End Act III: Yuh’ll git it, yuh stool pigeon! In a pig’s kapooch yuh will!at in a pig’s arse! (excl.) under pig’s arse!, excl.
1935 S. Kingsley Dead End Act I: philip: Besides, I haven’t got my suit. tommy: Well, go in bareass.at bare-ass, adj.
1935 S. Kingsley Dead End Act I: tommy makes a fist and waves it in front of spit’s nose: Fuh dis ... righ in yuh bugle!at bugle, n.1
1935 S. Kingsley Dead End Act III: Go on now, or yuh git dis mickey...red hot...up yuh bunny!at bunny, n.1
1935 S. Kingsley Dead End Act II: Guard ’at watch and lay chickee! [Ibid.] dippy, milty and angel dash to the hopper, all yelling ‘Chickee!’.at chickee!, excl.
1935 S. Kingsley Dead End Act I: spit: Ah, yuh mudduh’s chooch! tommy: Ah, yuh fadduh’s doop!at chooch, n.1
1935 S. Kingsley Dead End Act II: milty, also shouting quickly, topping split and holding up crossed fingers: Fens! No akey! No akey!at fains!, excl.
1935 S. Kingsley Dead End Act II: Yeah? Well, go take a flyin’ jump at ta moon!at take a flying fuck (v.) under flying fuck, n.
1935 S. Kingsley Dead End Act II: milty: Oh momma! Haffa buck! spit.: (shouting quickly) Akey! Akey! Haffies.at halvies, n.
1935 S. Kingsley Dead End Act III: They hurl a chorus of abuse. milty: Gay cock of’m yam! angel: Fongoola! dippy: Nuts ta yew! t.b.: In yuhr hat!at in your hat! (excl.) under hat, n.
1935 S. Kingsley Dead End Act I: The little Indians! They oughtn’t to be allowed in the street with decent people.at Indian, n.
1935 S. Kingsley Dead End Act I: I’ll knock ’im intuh da middle a next week!at knock into the middle of next week (v.) under knock into, v.