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The Vision of Piers Plowman choose

Quotation Text

[UK] Langland Piers Plowman (C) XI line 14: Wisdom and witt nowe is nat worth a carse .
at not worth a curse, phr.
[UK] Langland Piers Ploughman (1550) V Fiii line 175: I am chaleged and chyde in chapter house, as I chyld were And balased on the bare arse.
at arse, n.
[UK] Langland Piers Plowman (B) V line 191: As a lethern purs lolled his chekes [...] And as a bondeman his bacon his berd was unshaue.
at bacon, n.1
[UK] Langland Piers Plowman (C) XVIII line 74: Men may now lykene lettered men [...] to a badde peny with a gode printe.
at bad penny (n.) under bad, adj.
[UK] Langland Piers Plowman (B) V line 348: And thanne gan he to go like a glemannes bicche.
at bitch, n.1
[UK] Langland Piers Plowman (B) X line 272: I rede ech a blynd bosard do boote to hymselue.
at buzzard, n.
[UK] Langland Piers Plowman (B) XVIII line 46: Crucifige, quod a cacchepolle I warrante hym a wicche.
at catchpole, n.
[UK] Langland Piers Plowman (B) V line 641: ‘By Crist!’ quod a commune womman.
at Christ!, excl.
[UK] Langland Piers Plowman (B) I Line 140: ‘Thow doted daffe’ quod she, ‘dulle are thi wittes’.
at daffy, n.3
[UK] Langland Piers Plowman (B) XIII line 343: With likynge of lecherie as by lokynge of his eighe. For ech a maide that he mette, he made hire a sibgne Semynge to synnward, and somtyme he gan taste Aboute the mouth or bynethe bigynneth to grope.
at grope, v.
[UK] Langland Piers Plowman (B) V line 340: Hise guttes bigonne to gothelen As two greedy sowes.
at gut, n.
[UK] Langland Piers Plowman (1550) III Dii line 154: Bi Jesus with here jweles, your Justicis she shedeth And lieth ageyne the lawe.
at Jesus!, excl.
[UK] Langland Piers Plowman (B) XV line 214: For he nys noght in lolleris ne in londleperes heremytes.
at land-leaper (n.) under land, n.3
[UK] Langland Piers Plowman (B) V Prol. 55: Grete lobies and longe that loth were to swynke.
at lubber, n.
[UK] Langland Piers Ploughman (1550) I Biii line 181: You haue no more merit in masse nor in houres Than malken of her maydenhede.
at malkin, n.
[UK] Langland Piers Ploughman (1550) V Fii line 124: May no sugar nor swete thig aswage my swelling [...] Nether shrift nether shame, but shraping of mi maw.
at maw, n.
[UK] Langland Piers Plowman (B) V line 341: He pissed a potel in a paternoster .
at piss, v.
[UK] Langland Piers Plowman’s Vision (B) III (1550) line 309: Prestes and persones with placebo to hunt.
at hunt a placebo (v.) under placebo, n.
[UK] Langland Piers Plowman (1550) I Biii line 185: That Faythe is right nothing worth And as deade as a dore-nayl. [Ibid.] 187: ‘What, ravestow?’ quod Rightwisenesse; ‘or thow art right dronke.’.
at right, adv.
[UK] Langland Piers Plowman (B) III line 131: For she is tikel of hire tail, talewis of tongie, As commune as the cartwey to knaves and to alle.
at tail, n.
[UK] Langland Piers Plowman (C) XV line 305: Then are hit puyre poore thynges in purgatorie or in hell.
at thing, n.
[UK] Langland Piers Plowman’s Vision (B) XVIII line 298: And thus hath he trolled forth thise two and thritty wynter.
at troll, v.
[UK] Langland Piers Plowman’s Vision (B) XII line 190: That hap take fro Tybourne twenty strong theues.
at Tyburn, n.
[UK] Langland Piers Plowman’s Vision (B) XI line 236: For his poure apparaill and pylgrymes wedes.
at weeds, n.
[UK] Langland Piers Ploughman (1550) V Gii line 364: His wife and hys wench Bare hym home to hys bedde.
at wench, n.
[UK] Langland Piers Plowman 7.306: For an hore of hure ers-wynnynge may hardiloker tythe Þan an erraunt vsurer] [MED].
at arse, n.
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