1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 57: He dilated upon Satan’s wrath at Wrennie for not ‘coming across’ with ten dollars for a bribe.at come across, v.
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 164: I met a prof. there from some American college – he hired an automobubble and took me down to a reg’lar old inn.at automobubble, n.
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 26: Picture? [...] Funny ain’t it? – me barking for ’em like I was the grandmother of the guy that invented ’em.at bark, v.2
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 162: Now, Charley [...] your bat’s over, ain’t it, old man?at bat, n.3
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 55: Though it was so late as eight bells of the evening.at bell, n.1
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 34: He had a nose like a sickle and a neck like a blue-gum nigger.at blue gum(med), adj.
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 160: Took to hitting the booze. Goglefogle fired me.at hit the booze (v.) under booze, n.
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 163: I will take a brace, old man.at take a brace (v.) under brace, n.1
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 52: I don’t much believe in all them highbrow sermons that don’t come down to brass tacks.at get down to brass tacks (v.) under brass tacks, n.
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 234: She said [...] that she didn’t play Five Hundred, but only bumblepuppy bridge.at bumble-puppy, n.
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 21: I let him see from the way I looked at him that I wasn’t going to stand for no more monkey business.at monkey business, n.
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 50: Now don’t try to do me out of my bit or I’ll cap for some other joint.at cap, v.3
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 108: I know about that caveman – Jack London’s guys. I’m afraid I ain’t one.at cave-man, n.
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 101: Mr. Wrenn, chewing and chewing and chewing the cud of thought in his room.at chew the cud, v.
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 198: It was great to be in England – though the people there are kind of chilly some ways.at chilly, adj.
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 160: Just one drink, savvy? – if you’ll promise to get cleaned up, like I tell you, afterward.at clean up, v.
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 51: Except for the old Jews. They seem to be fine old coots.at old coot (n.) under coot, n.1
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 76: Oh, darn it all. I feel rotten. I wish I was dead!at darn!, excl.
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 68: It wouldn’t make any dif. what they met as long as they were fighting together.at dif, n.
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 15: His head was again foggy with work and he had forgotten if there was still April anywhere.at foggy, adj.
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 181: There’s going to be a vacant room there – maybe you two fellows could frame it up to take it.at frame up, v.
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 20: Why, if Gogie had to [...] watch every single last movement of a fool girl that can’t even run the adding-machine, why, he’d get green around the gills.at green about the gills (adj.) under gills, n.1
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 27: Me? I’d pinch the harp and pawn it for ten growlers of Dutch beer and some man-sized rum!at growler, n.3
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 104: They sit around and growl and rush the growler – I hope you know growler-rushing.at rush the growler (v.) under growler, n.3
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr Wrenn (1936) 146: I suppose he’s some tuppenny-ha’p’ny illustrator.at tuppenny halfpenny, adj.