2000 F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 14: If he didn’t have the piece ready for Migraine on the agreed deadline then he might lose his chance of being a features ace.at ace, n.
2000 F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 52: Hadn’t she invited him herself. Or had the flower shop lady got it arseways?at assways (adj.) under ass, n.
2000 F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 225: They saw him strike up an animated conversation with the dark-haired woman in the black mini dress. The woman ordered drinks, then handed Bob a foaming pint. They all agreed that Bob was away.at away, adj.
2000 F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 165: I have decided to personally handle blowing the head off the bolix, if that’s OK with you.at ballocks, n.
2000 F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 48: ‘It’s true, he’s an international club DJ now.’ ‘My granny’s bollocks.’.at ballocks!, excl.
2000 F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 60: ‘Shit balls fuck,’ she said. ‘This always happens.’.at balls!, excl.
2000 F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 83: He just felt like catching a glimpse of her. No big thing.at big thing, n.
2000 F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 262: ‘Who’s smoking dope?’ she said. Pat proferred the joint. ‘Care for a blast?’.at blast, n.1
2000 F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 18: If you like you can come back to my place for a few jars and a bit of blow. Finish the night on a high.at blow, n.3
2000 F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 123: She saw him looking at her bruise. She grinned cheekily. ‘I got bopped by a champagne cork.’.at bop, v.
2000 F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 5: More stimulating than getting out of his cranium in The Nerve nightclub.at out of one’s brain(s) (adj.) under brain, n.1
2000 F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 255: ‘Dentist,’ Myles said. ‘Out of my brain with pain. I had to get an emergency filling.’.at out of one’s brain(s) (adj.) under brain, n.1
2000 F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 48: Bob ordered champagne and she went away. ‘Champers lads?’ Bob slapped his hands together.at champers, n.
2000 F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 273: The woman giggled. ‘Oh, you’re a character. I was warned about you, so I was.’.at character, n.
2000 F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 59: Once a woman felt relaxed, then she would get down to it. It was all a matter of keeping his cool.at keep one’s cool (v.) under cool, n.2
2000 F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 33: He had followed her around [...] cracking corny jokes to get her to giggle some more.at corny, adj.
2000 F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 248: Tell that to Psychodad. He already kicked the crap out of you once.at kick the crap out of (v.) under crap, the, phr.
2000 F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 92: You’ll have to cut the blow lads or I’ll ask you to leave.at cut, v.4
2000 F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 7: He pulled up alongside a pair of large doors covered in graffiti. Then he cut the engine.at cut, v.4
2000 F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 202: Has anyone noticed the strange Peggy Dell about this place? [...] ‘It’s the algae,’ Mia said.at Peggy Dell, n.
2000 F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 176: You mean the dizzy looking barman from The Chocolate Bar?at dizzy, adj.
2000 F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 41: She had been so well endowed that Bob Casper had joked that she must be carrying her groceries down the front of her shirt.at well-endowed, adj.