1915 glossary in Committee for the Adoption of the Constitution, N.Y. (State) in PADS (1952) 65: Nicknames for beer: suds/brew/Milwaukee cider/Dutch milk.at Milwaukee cider (n.) under Milwaukee, adj.
1944 PADS II 38: Aggie forties [...] Anything very strong; generally used in reference to some-thing to drink.at agur forty, n.
1946 (con. 1912) PADS 6 6: Blind [...] To ask questions that students are unprepared to answer.at blind, v.3
1946 PADS VI 35: To butt the bull off the bridge. (To do wonders, according to the speaker.).at buck a bull off the bridge (v.) under buck, v.4
1949 PADS 11 3: Bassackwards [...] totally backwards. A euphemistic Spoonerism.at bass-ackward(s), adj.
1949 PADS XI 3: Blobber-mouth [...] A talkative person; one who will not keep a secret.at blobbermouth, n.
1950 PADS n.p.: A [...] half-pint flask, especially of bootleg liquor, is called a bat wing.at batwing, n.
1950 PADS 14 15: Boer dollar [...] A silver dollar, carried as a lucky piece. Said to have originated among British soldiers during the Boer War.at beau-dollar (n.) under beau, n.1
1950 PADS 14 16: Box-ankled [...] Having a conformation of legs and feet so that in walking the ankle bones are supposed to strike together.at box-ankled (adj.) under box, n.1