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Makes Me Wanna Holler choose

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[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 249: A lot of the Muslim men seemed unable to get beyond nickel-and-diming, selling jewelry, fruit, and bean-pies on the streets.
at nickel-and-dime, v.
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 311: We had serious arguments, loud knock-down-drag-outs that always went in circles.
at knock-down (and) drag-out, n.
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 116: I’d thought he was just another tight-butt old-head.
at tight-arse, n.
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 325: Mondale’s campaign was being ruined by ‘smart-assed white boys.’.
at smart-arsed, adj.
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 369: I could always find out who were the current knockout artists.
at knockout artist, n.
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 41: When I slipped my hand in that blouse, that bitch got hot as a firecracker.
at ...a fire-cracker under hot as..., adj.
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 152: Anybody less dynamic than Chicago would have been [...] given a thorough ass-whipping.
at ass-whipping, n.
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 375: I’m a grown-assed man.
at grown-assed, adj.
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 242: Every hood in Portsmouth went to se him ‘put away’.
at put away, v.
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 332: Listening to music, and rapping about the evils of ‘Babylon’, the white man’s depraved civilization.
at Babylon, n.1
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 367: That shit [i.e. crack] will [...] put a go-rilla on your back.
at monkey on one’s back, n.
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 4: We called it [i.e. beating white people] ‘gettin’ some get-back’.
at get-back, n.
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 67: Feeling like I was the baadest nigger on the East Coast.
at bad nigger (n.) under bad, adj.
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 377: As long as he knows you’re going to bail him out, he’ll continue getting into jams.
at bail someone out, v.
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 332: They called white folks ‘baldheads’.
at baldhead, n.
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 401: It was supposed to be a quick hit-and-forget, a slam-bam-thank-you-ma’am.
at wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am, phr.
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 288: Bamas aside, Atlanta provided the escape from my old life. [Ibid.] 288: It was country, all right. Bama Central.
at Bama, n.
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 281: Her banged-up yellow Volkswagen Bug.
at banged up, adj.1
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 44: I knew what a train was. It was what happened when a bunch of guys got together and jammed the same girl. The white boys called it gang-banging.
at gang-banging, n.1
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 58: The best way to guarantee winning a rumble was to double-bank someone, get several guys and gang up on him.
at double-bank, v.
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 188: I could sneak him right off the bat.
at right off the bat (adv.) under bat, n.2
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 182: He was talking beaucoup trash.
at beaucoup, n.
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 128: I got into a beef with my main man, Bimbo.
at beef, n.2
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 184: I can handle my bid.
at bid, n.2
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 170: Whatever happened to that big-leg gal who lived in Freedom Court.
at big leg (adj.) under big, adj.
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 279: Some [...] got the big-head when they found themselves in such great demand.
at get the big head (v.) under big head, n.1
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 337: Stanley [...] had become a big-time drug dealer.
at big-time, adj.
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 3: He was definitely in the wrong place to be doing the tourist bit.
at bit, n.1
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 152: It made me feel like I was a political prisoner rather than a two-bit stickup man.
at two-bit, adj.
[US] N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 193: A man can use that [i.e. indebtedness] as an excuse to try to make you his bitch.
at bitch, n.1
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