1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 38: ‘But I’m afraid, Marietta,’ Clara J. was at the bat — ‘that I may not look well in ivory white.’.at at bat (adj.) under bat, n.2
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 100: Clara J., the Bunco Girl! Did you hear her say, ‘John, do sixes beat fulls?’.at bunco, adj.
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 54: In this manner, little woman [...] we give the mob the merry go-by.at give someone/something the go-by (v.) under go-by, n.
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 65: I handed back to Clara J. the come-on speech she had given me earlier.at come-on, n.
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 41: When do you expect to get those glad garments cooked up?at cook up, v.
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 63: If those cowboys ever grew wise to the fact that we were honeying they would immediately turn that train into a howling wilderness of noise.at cowboy, n.
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 24: Papa used to float in the parlor and cut ice for hours at a time.at cut ice (with), v.
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 43: It seemed to me that everybody in the world was giving me the fish eye.at give someone the fish-eye (v.) under fish-eye, n.1
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 11: I found one of these pale boys draped over a sofa [...] handing out Fifi glances to my own particular Pattern of Dress Goods.at fifi, adj.
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 115: In ten minutes’ play those two fipps put all our bric-à-brac out of the show business.at fipp, n.
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 46: No matter in which direction I dipped, I was sure to fish up a ring.at fish (out) (v.) under fish, v.1
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 101: He’s one of those fluffs who whistle for the police when they lose eighty cents.at fluff, n.1
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 41: It was the most cruel game of freeze-out I ever sat in.at freeze-out game (n.) under freeze-out, n.
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 118: Say, he had us going! When that boy wades out among the technicalities of the game something has to give way.at get going, v.
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 15: I left Tacks on guard and gumshoes away like Raffles, the busy burglar.at gumshoe, v.
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 12: Percy used to be a dramatic critic [...] and he had the reputation of being able to throw the hammer farther than any one else in the ‘Knocker’s Union’.at throw the hammer (v.) under hammer, n.2
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 24: Unkind Fate gave me the double cross and my hoodledoo was working overtime.at hoodoo, n.
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 57: These three ducks are the worst kidders that ever caromed over a campus.at kidder, n.
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 12: Percy used to be a dramatic critic [...] and he had the reputation of being able to throw the hammer farther than any one else in the ‘Knocker’s Union’.at knocker, n.1
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 63: We can hurry out some other way, get a cab, and lose them.at lose, v.
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 75: The hungriest looking specimen of a seashore newsboy I ever put my peeps on.at peep, n.1
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 76: Just then a little old Dutch pickle floundered out where we were and began to bite the top off the surf.at pickle, n.
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 18: Over went the whole plazazus with a smash on the floor.at whole plazazus, n.
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 61: How about that brown-haired queen from Brockton, Mass.?at queen, n.
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 11: Seven of us were entered in the race for Clara J.’s affections [...] The other six were Society shines.at shine, n.2
1902 ‘Hugh McHugh’ It’s Up to You 68: Through the kindly assistance of a bell-boy and a few simoleums we were piloted across the hotel to another elevator.at simoleon, n.