at tea and sugar man (n.) under tea-and-sugar, adj.
at heel-and-toe, v.
at wag-at-the-wall, n.
at batwing, n.
at beezer, n.2
at bob’s your uncle, phr.
at boke, v.
at buff, n.1
at on the (grand) cadge under cadge, the, n.
at cow, v.1
at cuss, n.1
at deck, n.2
at hit the dirt (v.) under dirt, n.
at dizzy, adj.
at half-dollar, n.1
at lay-down, n.
at can a duck swim? under duck, n.1
at dud, adj.
at Dutchy, n.
at get!, excl.
at goodo, adv.
at gowk, n.
at hit the grit (v.) under grit, n.2
at hand someone the kick-along (v.) under hand, v.
at hike (off), v.
at huff, n.
at it, n.1
at jings!, excl.
at juke, v.1
at jungle stiff (n.) under jungle, n.
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