1998 ‘Maxim Thesaurus’, Maxim Jun. 🌐 Polish the bishop: John Paul was late for his appearance, having wasted most of the morning polishing the bishop.at bang one’s bishop (v.) under bishop, n.2
1998 ‘Maxim Thesaurus’ Maxim Jun. 🌐 Five against one: ‘Forget these odds,’ Albert said as he left the bar. ‘I’ll go home and have a little five against one.’.at five against one (n.) under five, adj.
1998 ‘Maxim Thesaurus’ Maxim Jun. 🌐 One-legged race: ‘What are you doing in there, Jimmy?’ ‘Just having a one-legged race, Mom.’.at one-legged race (n.) under one, adj.
2000 ‘Be A Cunning Linguist’ in Maxim Feb. 🌐 Yodel down the valley: Gunter was too tired to talk, having spent most of the day yodeling down the valley.at yodel in the canyon (of love), v.
2000 ‘Be A Cunning Linguist’ in Maxim Feb. 🌐 Dine at the Y: Despite the dinners men bought her, Jen preferred to dine at the Y.at dine at the Y (v.) under dine, v.
2000 ‘Be A Cunning Linguist’ in Maxim Feb. 🌐 Talk to the canoe driver: ‘I wanted to explore Venice,’ Jarrod said forlornly, ‘but I spent most of the trip just talking to the canoe driver.’.at talk to the canoe-driver (v.) under talk, v.
2001 ‘On Your Marks…Get Set…Drink!’ Maxim Mar. 🌐 The anchorman must chug whatever’s left in the pitcher when it’s passed to him. But here’s a new wrinkle—your anchorman must give blood no more than three hours before the game begins. It’s a chance to help a worthy cause and get schizzed!at schizzed, adj.