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The Black Candle choose

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[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 49: It is a common expression [...] to jocularly ask another if they could give them a ‘bhang’ [sic] which is a slang expression for a snuff of cocaine.
at bang, n.1
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 219: Coke ‘bugs.’ I get them under the skin, generally in the back.
at coke bugs (n.) under bug, n.4
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 242: ‘Uncle Sam’ as well as ‘Jack Canuck’ has also a fair share of half-baked blunderers in the shape of public officials.
at Canuck, n.
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 45: ‘Card-opium’ [...] opium is made into cakes about the size of a fifty-cent piece. This is placed on the centre of a playing card, and the card is bent in half, the opium adhering to the inside like a wad of chewing gum.
at card, n.2
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 112: The smoker requires a long steel yenkok [sic], or toasting pin, with which to hold the gum of chandu.
at chandu, n.
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 332: The hemp resin for smoking and chewing comes in three forms – chang, ganja and charas.
at charas, n.
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 229: Where do you get drugs when you go to a strange city? [...] how do you make the connection?
at connection, n.
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 241: Certain physicians usually denominated as ‘dope doctors,’ have taught the use of the hypodermic needle to their patients.
at dope doctor (n.) under dope, n.1
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 276: In the Western Provinces of Canada, ‘fiends’ foregather in certain drug stores and purchase decks of cocaine, morphine and heroin as if these were candies, no prescriptions being required.
at fiend, n.
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 52: Cocaine is sold to school-children as ‘coke’ or ‘flake’.
at flake, n.1
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 332: The hemp resin for smoking and chewing comes in three forms – chang, ganja and charas.
at ganja, n.
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 212: I had a craving and was ‘goofey’.
at goofy, adj.
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 112: The smoker requires a long steel yenkok [sic], or toasting pin, with which to hold the gum of chandu.
at gum, n.3
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 10: The snuffers of cocaine are frequently designated as ‘happy-dusters’.
at happy dust (n.) under happy, adj.
[UK] E.F. Murphy Black Candle 359: It is three times stronger than morphine and is designated as ‘hell-dust’ or ‘the powder of destruction.’ Speaking of the different drugs, Judge Cornelius F. Collins has said, ‘Heroin is undoubtedly the most pernicious’.
at hell dust (n.) under hell, n.
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 114: The Chinese here still furnish a large percentage of the ‘hoppies’.
at hoppy, n.3
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 255: A good-for-nothin’ jackeen.
at jackeen, n.
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 294: It was requisite that he take a ‘jolt’ of cocaine.
at jolt, n.
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 128: They take their first ‘jab’ or ‘sniff,’ which the gentry have given the camouflaged title of ‘joy shot’. [Ibid.] 247: She had been taking ‘joy shots’ for several years.
at joy shot (n.) under joy, n.
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 311: When the addict or junker has not the money to obtain his supply from a doctor [...] a pedlar will supply him with the cash [...] it being agreed that the addict will divide evenly with the pedlar.
at junker, n.
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 51: When on the verge of suicide for need of the drug, they are said to have ‘the cocaine leaps’.
at leaps, n.
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 228: A soldier-fellow whom I know boasts that he was in jail for a month and ‘lit up’ every day.
at light up, v.1
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 227: Nearly all cocaine dopers write long letters [...] especially after an injection. You get ‘lit up’ then, and your mind becomes unusually alert.
at lit (up), adj.
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 184: The finest grade of cocaine in the world is manufactured in Germany and is known as ‘Mercks’.
at merck, n.
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 113: Opium ready for smoking is usually about the consistency of black molasses, or of tar. Pedlars call it ‘mud’.
at mud, n.
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 128: The ‘mules’ and ‘joy shots’ are among the most vicious elements in the plague.
at mule, n.
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 226: ‘I can give up cocaine,’ he continued, ‘but when anyone speaks to me of doing so, my body starts to ache and I get “the needles”’ – that is to say a mixture of nerves and muscles.’.
at needle, n.
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 320: The failure of the psychologist arises from his blind faith in his ’ology.
at -ology, n.
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 113: Opium ready for smoking is usually about the consistency of black molasses, or of tar. Pedlars call it ‘mud’ but the Chinese name for the mixture is pen yang.
at pen yen, n.
[UK] E. Murphy Black Candle 241: The addict, or ‘prodder’ usually melts the tablet in a teaspoonful of water over gas.
at prodder, n.
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