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New York Sporting Whip choose

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[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 11 Feb. n.p.: What made the doctor get so abstropolous [...] and what amount did he offer to find out who whipped him?
at abstropelous, adj.
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 4 Feb. n.p.: Old Burke was, to use a piece of vulgar slang, ‘all out’.
at all out, adj.
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 25 Feb. n.p.: She bounced large and talked of kicking him out of the house.
at bounce, v.1
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 25 Feb. n.p.: Old clo’ Jews and broken down gamesters and libertines’.
at old clo, adj.
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 4 Feb. 3/2: A young gentleman, who belongs to the interesting fraternity of ‘Counter Skippers,’ and officiates at a shop in Canal-street [etc.].
at counter-jumper, n.
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 4 Feb. 3/2: The young gentleman had all he had bargained for, and [...] told her in the most bland and polite terms to cut her lucky.
at cut one’s lucky (v.) under cut, v.2
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 4 Feb. n.p.: The ‘cove with a rose’ was doing the genteel to the Princess the whole evening.
at do the — (v.) under do, v.1
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 4 Mar. n.p.: There is no occasion for him to learn to ‘finger his instrument’ as he has particular friends enough to finger it for him.
at finger, v.
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 4 Feb. n.p.: Samuel O. Ackerman [...] known among the ‘flash boys’ as Charley Moisieen, incarcerated [on] twelve charges of extensive burglaries.
at flash, adj.
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 4 Mar. n.p.: You gave that fly-trap of yours such a twist.
at flytrap (n.) under fly, n.3
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 25 Feb. 1/2: The depression in the various branches of female trade has driven many amorous girls to the pave, they thinking, previous to embracing the damnable vocation, that it is a charming life, full of fun, pleasure, and devoid of all trouble. But this BARGAINING FOR OLD HAT isn’t what it is cracked up to be, which they learn to their disagreeable disappointment after a trial.
at old hat, n.
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 25 Feb. n.p.: Dutch Dram Shops [...] sacrilegious German people who keep Sabbath breaking holes.
at hole, n.1
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 25 Feb. n.p.: Mr Miller, ‘the man what hooked his own wife,’ and Mrs Miller. ‘the woman what was “abducted” by her husband’.
at hook, v.1
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 4 Feb. 3/2: The girl deals out horizontal refreshment to any one who will pay her price.
at horizontal refreshment (n.) under horizontal, adj.
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 11 Feb. n.p.: We [...] openly avow that we extort hush-money.
at hush money, n.
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 4 Mar. n.p.: Old ‘Funny-mouth’ whom they say can put such a countenance of that Jib of his as to turn milk sour.
at jib, n.1
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 11 Feb. n.p.: We advise Ham of the Bowery to ‘manoeuvre the muffles’ less [...] else he may catch it ‘without gloves’.
at muffler, n.
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 4 Mar. n.p.: A tuft of beard on his chin [...] facetiously termed ‘goats’ and ‘nannies’.
at nanny, n.6
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 18 Feb. n.p.: The knowing ones / Thought all was not O.K.
at OK, adj.
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 4 Feb. n.p.: The parson’s nose he tendered to a lady who is very partial to choice bits.
at parson’s nose (n.) under parson, n.
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 25 Feb. n.p.: We have ‘Quacks, their lives and practices’.
at quack, n.1
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 18 Feb. n.p.: She expects to be brought to be bed a young quill-driver shortly.
at quill-driver (n.) under quill, n.1
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 4 Mar. n.p.: We advise a certain boss cigar maker [...] not to neglect his business for the purpose of spend-ing an evening with a pretty virgin.
at spend, v.
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 18 Feb. n.p.: Let the infatuated fools of young men who are fond of the ‘strange woman’ look [...] and learn.
at strange, n.
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 25 Feb. n.p.: Fork over the brads, to pint the stumpy — the tin — the needful — in English, the money.
at stumpy, n.1
[US] N.Y. Sporting Whip 28 Jan. n.p.: If we, the bewhiskered and breeched members of the community were in fancy that by sticking a bologna sausage into the laps of our unwhisperables we improved out appearance [etc.].
at unmentionables, n.
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