1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 8: As drunk as a fiddler’s bitch. / As drunk as a fool. / As drunk as a mop. / As drunk as a parson. / As drunk as a pig.at drunk as (a)..., adj.
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 19: Like a frog in a fit. Said of one tipsey.at like a..., phr.
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 26: To be measured for a new suit of clothes = To have a thrashing.at measure someone for a new overcoat, v.
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 11: As sure as God made little green apples.at sure as God made little (green) apples under sure as..., phr.
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 10: Safe as houses.at ...houses under safe as..., adj.
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 14: Happy as pigs in muck.at ...a pig in shit under happy as..., adj.
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 11: As smart as a carrot. Said of one gaily dressed.at ...a carrot (new scraped), ...half-scraped under smart as..., adj.
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 10: As rough as a bear’s backside.at ...a badger’s arse under rough as..., adj.
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 11: As ugly as sin. Said of an ill-favoured individual.at ugly as..., adj.
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 34: You might as well rub your backside with a brickbat. Said of an action that would cause unnecessary hardship.at backside, n.
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 26: To come up/turn up like a bad half-penny.at bad halfpenny (n.) under bad, adj.
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 16: To say of a man that ‘He knows how many beans makes five’ is to speak highly of his shrewdness.at know how many (blue) beans make five (v.) under beans, n.3
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 14: He doesn’t know where his behind hangs. Said of an insufferably proud man.at not know where one’s behind hangs (v.) under behind, n.
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 26: To blow one up skyhigh = To [be?]rate soundly.at blow up sky-high (v.) under blow up, v.1
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 15: He was born under a threepenny planet, i.e. is avaricious, a curmudgeon. Mrs. Chamberlain, West Worc. Words, 1882, quotes Swift [...] ‘If you are born under a threepenny planet you’ll never be worth fourpence’.at born under a threepenny halfpenny planet (adj.) under born, adj.
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 26: To be up in the boughs = To be out of temper. Lawson, Upton-on-Severn Words, &c., 1884.at up in the boughs, adj.
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 26: To box harry and chew rag, i.e., to go on short commons.at box Harry (v.) under box, v.2
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 11: Bread and pull it (pullet).at bread and pullet (n.) under bread, n.1
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 5: A Brummagem button. A young man of Birmingham.at Brummagem button (n.) under Brummagem, adj.
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 15: Her’s the cat’s mother [...] Said to one who uses the possessive her of the third person instead of the nominative she.at cat’s mother (n.) under cat, n.1
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 7: As clear as mud. Ironical.at clear as mud (adj.) under clear, adj.1
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 27: To cry roast meat. (1) to make known one’s good luck. (2) to boast of women’s favours.at cry roast meat (v.) under cry, v.
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 33: Who stole the donkey’s dinner?Answer. ‘Him with the straw brimmer.’.at who stole the donkey? under donkey, n.
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 33: Even in Canada a straw hat is called ‘the donkey’s breakfast’.at donkey’s breakfast (n.) under donkey, n.
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 26: To be down on one’s duff. i.e. down on one’s luck; or in the dumps.at duff, n.2
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 39: Dunnekin or Donnykin = A privy, jakes.at dunnaken, n.
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 14: He always had a crooked elbow [...] ‘Said of a man who has been a drunkard from his youth’.at crook the elbow (v.) under elbow, n.1
1894 G.F. Northall Folk-Phrases of Four Counties 39: A jolter-yeded (headed) gaubshite is an insulting phrase in Warw.at jolter-headed, adj.