1999 A. O’Hagan Our Fathers 253: Cunts waving their arms about the place. Big noises. Bampots the fucking lot.at bampot, n.
1999 A. O’Hagan Our Fathers 24: A drunkard was no big thing. Kids just had them at home.at big thing, n.
1999 A. O’Hagan Our Fathers 84: ‘You’re just like spoilers and Tories the same,’ he shouted. ‘Blacklegs.’.at blackleg, n.2
1999 A. O’Hagan Our Fathers 198: I gather she and what’s-his-name were living there in sin. It was a good thing they jumped the broom last year. Living it up at their age.at jump (over) the broomstick, v.
1999 A. O’Hagan Our Fathers 219: So you know all the carry-on. The hearings in Glasgow?at carry-on, n.
1999 A. O’Hagan Our Fathers 84: ‘Don’t upset him, Jamie,’ she said. ‘What’s all this creating?’.at create, v.
1999 A. O’Hagan Our Fathers 8: Total wanker. Dickshaft. A right good kicking he’s needing.at dickshaft (n.) under dick, n.1
1999 A. O’Hagan Our Fathers 94: Famie was jigged by the ovals and squares: the modern look of it all. At first she was scared of the trams.at jig, v.3
1999 A. O’Hagan Our Fathers 195: ‘Hello, stranger,’ she said with a smile. ‘Hello, Mum,’ I said.at stranger, n.
1999 A. O’Hagan Our Fathers 9: You stupid fucking tosser. A good slap you’re needing. Get the fuck out the road. Wankstain.at wankstain, n.