1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 147: Any time he catches either of his two no ’count sons fooling around [etc.].at no-account, adj.
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 53: You ain’t allowed to be no lazy, raggety ass tramp no more.at ragged-arsed, adj.
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 15: Dragline was in a very deep mood, suffering from a bad case of the Black Ass.at black ass, n.
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 80: And way out there [...] many a man has been bear-caught, which is to be stricken with heat exhaustion and sunstroke.at bear, n.
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 72: Luke had Carr ask the Wicker Man for a couple of Brown Bombers and a cup of Epsom salts.at brown bomber, n.1
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 64: Curly could eat. But he could work too. This is what kept him out of the Box.at box, n.1
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 5: The Bull Gang is always put in the cage truck.at bull gang (n.) under bull, n.1
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 64: The unique distinction of having the legal right to get in at the head of the chow line.at chow line (n.) under chow, n.1
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 68: Some of the Oldcocks went home. Some more Newcocks drove up.at old cock, n.
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 26: Come on. What is this? The Slow Con?at slow con (n.) under con, n.1
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 138: A man actually asked to get up. It was Cottontop. [...] We all watched [...] the white-headed pink-skinned albino.at cottontop, n.2
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 86: Pulling five years for creeping the Miami mansion of Al Capone’s brother.at creep, v.
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 102: A beat-up guitar that he had bought for [...] twenty-four haircuts on the cuff.at on the cuff under cuff, n.2
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 36: Sounds like you got a screw loose here and there [...] Can’t have no Section Eights runnin’ around in this outfit.at section eight, n.
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 13: Eyeballing is punishable by being put in the Box.at eyeballing, n.
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 184: Don’t you go lightin’ no matches now. You’ll give us a hot foot that won’t wait.at hot foot, n.
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 39: Newcocks! Newcocks! Fresh meat over here! You’ll be sorr-eeeeeee!at fresh meat, n.
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 58: The girlie magazines and the paper-backed fuck books.at fuck book (n.) under fuck, n.
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 174: Git back to work. Ah ain’t gonna put up with your fuckin’ off no more.at fuck off, v.
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 72: When an elephant’s makin’ love it takes him two days and two nights to git his gun off.at get one’s gun off (v.) under gun, n.1
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 176: Eat plenty, Double Gut [...] Eat up, you fuckin’ hog.at double-guts (n.) under gut, n.
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 39: The same horseplay and slaphappy jokes of fresh conscripts going into the army.at slap-happy, adj.
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 129: Boss Godfrey didn’t have such a hard-on for Luke anymore.at hard-on, n.
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 33: This guy’s cunt sent him a Dear John and so he started hittin’ the bottle.at hit the bottle (v.) under hit, v.
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 105: The colonel he heard about how I could pick a banjo, and he figures that’s pretty hot stuff.at hot stuff, n.2
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 179: Luke had been made a Water Jack? Cool Hand Luke?at jack, n.1
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 25: That mammy jammer got right up off’n the floor.at mammy-jammer, n.
1965 D. Pearce Cool Hand Luke (1967) 104: The big war. When everything went [...] ka-zowie!at ker-, pfx