at rag, tag and bobtail, n.
at blockbuster, n.1
at what’s buzzin’ cousin? under buzz, v.1
at catch someone with their pants down (v.) under catch, v.1
at cat’s pyjamas, n.
at chassis, n.
at cook someone’s goose, v.
at what’s cooking? under cook, v.1
at damn, n.
at damn (someone’s) eyes! (excl.) under damn, v.
at darb, n.1
at dog my cat(s)/doggone/hide/melts! (excl.) under dog, v.2
at thirty-eight, n.
at -eroonie, sfx
at fatso, n.
at fire, v.2
at blow a gasket (v.) under gasket, n.
at in the groove (adj.) under groove, n.2
at guvnor, n.
at hell’s a popping under hell, n.
at hot puppy! (excl.) under hot, adj.
at by jiminy! (excl.) under jiminy!, excl.
at keen, adj.
at kiddo, n.
at where one lives under live, v.
at longhaired, adj.
at op, n.
at reach for the sky (v.) under reach, v.
at rug, n.2
at schlemiel, n.
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